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well you know the rumors about jon being rhaegar & ned stark's sister son i think they r legit.. U know robert said rhaegar kidnapped her, but i think he was just mad cuz she was promised to marry him instead .. And actually she lowkey ran away with rhaegr and they had a son (jon) .. After the rebillion when his mom was about to die she told ned 'promise me' .. But the writer never said more about this.. Promise what? It's certainly about jon being her son. And also when caitlyn asks ned about. And also when caitlyn asks ned about jon he replies 'never ask me about jon, he's my '''blood''' and that's all u need to know '. Well his 'blood' might mean his sister's son right?
Also if ur keeping up with the show, lady melysandra comes to seduce jon in his chamber, she always does this with people who was king's blood. And i guess she sensed that in him " u have the power to make light, the power to make life, the power to make shadow ". The promised king that she thinks its stannis? Its jon. Thats pretty much about a hint from the writer.. Also one thing i noticed when he pushes her away she looks at him and says ' u know nothing jon snow ' and smiles and walks away.. How did she know about this? No one but him ygrette knows about this phrase.. I think when she said this she actually meant that he knows nothing about his parents, and that he's a targareyan, and that hes the rightful heir to the iron throne. Also one more hint when daneyres had a dream about the iron throne being coveres in snow and shit, that was related to jon snow.
If this was true then jon is the rightful heir to the iron throne.. I think he will know at the end, and the fight for the throne will be between him, and his aunt, danerys, which will make the book name have alot more sense. " A song of ice and fire ".
The one about the lannisters is just a thought from me lol, i think they are actually not tywin's children, but the mad king's. Its been said that the mad king was jealous of tywin, and that he was in love with tywins wife all his life and was having frequent sex with her, which i think gave birth to cersie, jamie, and tyrion. Tywin doubted it all his life, but couldnt say anything. I think this will explain the incest relationship between cersie and jamie. Its in their bloods all of their fathers and ancestors did it.. But they doesn't know it.
Okay, I've known about this show since it came out but never watched it before.
Last week I started watching it. Now I am addicted. Currently in season 2 episode 5. Going to watch it now.
Okay, I've known about this show since it came out but never watched it before.
Last week I started watching it. Now I am addicted. Currently in season 2 episode 5. Going to watch it now.
well you know the rumors about jon being rhaegar & ned stark's sister son i think they r legit.. U know robert said rhaegar kidnapped her, but i think he was just mad cuz she was promised to marry him instead .. And actually she lowkey ran away with rhaegr and they had a son (jon) .. After the rebillion when his mom was about to die she told ned 'promise me' .. But the writer never said more about this.. Promise what? It's certainly about jon being her son. And also when caitlyn asks ned about. And also when caitlyn asks ned about jon he replies 'never ask me about jon, he's my '''blood''' and that's all u need to know '. Well his 'blood' might mean his sister's son right?
Also if ur keeping up with the show, lady melysandra comes to seduce jon in his chamber, she always does this with people who was king's blood. And i guess she sensed that in him " u have the power to make light, the power to make life, the power to make shadow ". The promised king that she thinks its stannis? Its jon. Thats pretty much about a hint from the writer.. Also one thing i noticed when he pushes her away she looks at him and says ' u know nothing jon snow ' and smiles and walks away.. How did she know about this? No one but him ygrette knows about this phrase.. I think when she said this she actually meant that he knows nothing about his parents, and that he's a targareyan, and that hes the rightful heir to the iron throne. Also one more hint when daneyres had a dream about the iron throne being coveres in snow and shit, that was related to jon snow.
If this was true then jon is the rightful heir to the iron throne.. I think he will know at the end, and the fight for the throne will be between him, and his aunt, danerys, which will make the book name have alot more sense. " A song of ice and fire ".
The one about the lannisters is just a thought from me lol, i think they are actually not tywin's children, but the mad king's. Its been said that the mad king was jealous of tywin, and that he was in love with tywins wife all his life and was having frequent sex with her, which i think gave birth to cersie, jamie, and tyrion. Tywin doubted it all his life, but couldnt say anything. I think this will explain the incest relationship between cersie and jamie. Its in their bloods all of their fathers and ancestors did it.. But they doesn't know it.
Thats about it lol, whats floating on your mind?
You aren't far off bro. Have you read the books? If not I highly recommend it