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just watched Get Hard, it was alright, pretty much what I expected. 3,5/5 They also mentioned Wayne couple of times, Will had this outfit and said something like he tried to look like Wayne lol:
i didnt really like the film. a few parts was funny but that was it
Nobody mentioned the movie Chappie yet? BluRay version is up for download.
I saw it 2 weeks ago and was one of the best movie experiences I had in some months (I watch A LOT of movies)
Tho I must admit that I'm a sucker for sci-fi. But if you enjoyed District 9 you'll probably like Chappie too, same director.
I literally spoke out loud with shock in the cinema when I see her 'What the fuck is she doing in this' It's funny cause the guy next to me did the exact same thing lol
Nobody mentioned the movie Chappie yet? BluRay version is up for download.
I saw it 2 weeks ago and was one of the best movie experiences I had in some months (I watch A LOT of movies)
Tho I must admit that I'm a sucker for sci-fi. But if you enjoyed District 9 you'll probably like Chappie too, same director.
Just finished watching a nice brazzers porno movie called ' The Notorious B.O.O.T.Y ' and it was worth the time.
As expected, Alena Croft & Mick Blue never disappoint when they team up. The quality was really great looking at the popular porno internet quality which is poverty. Altho it started a little slow with a full detailed solo preview of the notorious booty but things got heated at the end, shit was crazy. I also liked the directing and funny, yet sexy story of the movie & the angles they shot it from.
Just finished watching a nice brazzers porno movie called ' The Notorious B.O.O.T.Y ' and it was worth the time. As expected, Alena Croft & Mick Blue never disappoint when they team up. The quality was really great looking at the popular porno internet quality which is poverty. Altho it started a little slow with a full detailed solo preview of the notorious booty but things got heated at the end, shit was crazy. I also liked the directing and funny, yet sexy story of the movie & the angles they shot it from. 9/10 movie defenitely watching again.