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No Sleep!

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  • #13
    Re: No Sleep!

    Originally posted by kryspy View Post
    Nyquil..Always works for me
    seriously drink cough syrup make sure its the night time one and that shit will put u out and dont nap during the day start going to bed at a decent hour so your body gets used to it so it knows when to sleep


    • #14
      Re: No Sleep!

      nyquil...weed...and fucking bitches

      "And I swear to everything, when I leave this earth, It's gonna be on both feet, never knees in this dirt"


      • #15
        Re: No Sleep!

        Originally posted by Quil View Post
        Marijuana .
        U'll sleep like a baby.


        • #16
          Re: No Sleep!

          When do you wake up? If you fall asleep at 4 am, wake up at 7 am, be active through the whole day, don't take naps during the day and no coffee. If you do this for a couple of days I'm sure your biorhythm will get back to normal. And when it gets, you have to maintain it. I had the same problem when I was in high school ( I took naps after I got back from school and studied at night because I couldn't sleep) but now I finally managed to normalize my biorhythm and I can't function if I don't get my 7 (our -hour sleep.


          • #17
            Re: No Sleep!

            Originally posted by AyoMostDopeMaye View Post
            Alright, so I have this problem and I think 95% of teens suffer from this too, but at night I can't sleep for shit, Like I'm just going to be laying for hours, Nigguh I'm talking 11-4AM of nothing.
            At first I didn't mind it because I'd be up all night caking with my girl, but we broke up and now I don't have shit to do, are there any tips you guys use, or any good over the counter meds that would help, Thanks.

            you dont need no damns meds smh

            stop using electronics before you go to sleep, computer, phone, tv, video games etc.

            give your brain some time to cool down, all that shit stimulates your brain

            and since teenagers brains arent fully developed yet (mine is tho) it affects them even more


            • #18
              Re: No Sleep!

              Don't take naps



              • #19
                Re: No Sleep!

                Melatonin best legal alternative to taking ambien.


                • #20
                  Re: No Sleep!

                  Masturbation. no homo


                  • #21
                    Re: No Sleep!

                    masturbation always works.

                    YELLOW DUCK MUTHAFUCKA!!!!!!!!!!!

