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they are the only pics i have of me in it recently. and whats so wrong about? have you seen some peoples fb way worse. and plus she is sexy why not[ATTACH=CONFIG]4095[/ATTACH]
i cant see any tits
I hate them thirsty bitches
Cut them off like circumcision -Lil Wayne
she got nice small perky ones, but nice ASSS beleeee dathandrub.png
plus on here you dont see to many nigga's post a pic of them and there girl cuz they dont have one, or she looks like missnewbooty lmfao, or like kaden and date your sister
they said i couldn't play football i was too small
they said i couldn't play basketball i wasn't tall
they said i couldn't play baseball at all
& now everyday of my life I BALL !
Homie you looking a little chubby though, you might want to get back on that prison labor workout plan.
Chubby lol come on son look at my ave pic of me holding her. thats not fat play boi beleeeee dat brrrrhandrub.png
they said i couldn't play football i was too small
they said i couldn't play basketball i wasn't tall
they said i couldn't play baseball at all
& now everyday of my life I BALL !
she got nice small perky ones, but nice ASSS beleeee dat[ATTACH=CONFIG]4096[/ATTACH]
plus on here you dont see to many nigga's post a pic of them and there girl cuz they dont have one, or she looks like missnewbooty lmfao, or like kaden and date your sister
first off what type of pics u want and secound i would never post a nude pic of here on here, that would be so fucked up on my part, get a bich your self so you can see some tits. " what are you scard or somethin"- waynes voice
they said i couldn't play football i was too small
they said i couldn't play basketball i wasn't tall
they said i couldn't play baseball at all
& now everyday of my life I BALL !
they said i couldn't play football i was too small
they said i couldn't play basketball i wasn't tall
they said i couldn't play baseball at all
& now everyday of my life I BALL !