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Nigga u stupid af, i've never seen u post a pic of urself tho..
how can u judge other people on here bitch u aint even got urself a pic up in here
Kids like you using the word nigga makes me lol + I've posted two pics so your post is irrelevant as your avi .
I just got done watching the video in your sig, that homo ass haircut & those huge caps between your teeth got me rolling right now . Plus those pointy ass ears
Kids like you using the word nigga makes me lol + I've posted two pics so your post is irrelevant as your avi .
I just got done watching the video in your sig, that homo ass haircut & those huge caps between your teeth got me rolling right now . Plus those pointy ass ears
Lmao u be thinking that is me? ur dumb af.. Well i can say nigga whenever i want to say it
Kids like you using the word nigga makes me lol + I've posted two pics so your post is irrelevant as your avi .
I just got done watching the video in your sig, that homo ass haircut & those huge caps between your teeth got me rolling right now . Plus those pointy ass ears
How are you going to call other members kids, yet you're the pussy ass nigga putting spaces between your punctuation. That right there is some middle school shit...
Are you bitching just because I said "this thread needs help."
I find it pretty weird that you don't post any pics of yourself, but you're still lookin this thread.
What does that say about you man?