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i thought you were lil wayne's fan hahaha
look at wayne's forehead, it's the C he has lol
I know lil wayne has that, but that don't even look like a C to me. Like if you were to ask me what it was without explaining, I would think its just some like needle or dick in cursive.
Not tryna ruin your moment tho , just thought I'd let you know
The borders should be illegal instead of the people, who were here before the bible and all of its sequels
I know lil wayne has that, but that don't even look like a C to me. Like if you were to ask me what it was without explaining, I would think its just some like needle or dick in cursive.
Not tryna ruin your moment tho , just thought I'd let you know
but thats what i like in this tattoo, it doesnt look like a C, and i like it... i dont like tattoos that people sees and think "oh, she got a C, or a buttlerfly, a star... hmm, so creative..."
i like just the way it looks that was always my intention