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You dress weird bruh, if you come to america dressing like that, you'd get laughed at man for real.
Trukfit is for some 13 year old boys man lol
Bullying? What?
Yeah cause I don't wanna be a normal guy like all y'all dressing all the same stuff of years and years of fashion hahahaha I'm creative and other people like my style however I don't have to give you an explanation,that is your opinion,it's okay I do me.
Yeah cause I don't wanna be a normal guy like all y'all dressing all the same stuff of years and years of fashion hahahaha I'm creative and other people like my style however I don't have to give you an explanation,that is your opinion,it's okay I do me.
Nigga how are you creative with a trukfit shirt and some trukfit pants. Thats not creative, thats being wayne copy cat, being creative is coming up with your own style not copying wayne.
You got a trukfiit shirt, trukfit shorts, trukfit chains and you say thats creative? Niigga please nigga please