A lot of you probably don't know this, but you can get REALLY high off Benadryll (diphenhydramine). It's an LSD like high, the hallucinations I got yesterday from it were comparable to the two times I did DMT. As I was going in and out of consciousnesses I would have conversations out-loud with past relatives who have passed away. I'd close my eyes and find myself in the middle of my favorite video game Skyrim. I stumbled my way into the kitchen and I would see my dog who passed away 3 years ago come in and out from the doggie-door built into the door especially for him, but every time I got close to him he would disappear. Every step i took would be synced perfectly to the music being played in my mind making actually decent beats. This was my fourth time ever doing it, last time I did this I was in 9th grade, this was by far the best trip I've ever had. And it was completely legal. The comedown is terrible though, I feel like a zombie and I can barely open my mouth let alone talk, everything is still moving around a little bit, and there is still random patterns of colors everywhere I look. Not a single ounce of euphoria anymore just straight crash, like an adderall crash. Typing this out took me almost 45 minutes, I'm still pretty fucked up. Pardon any spelling errors.
Here's more trip reports from Erowid:
Erowid Experience Vaults: Diphenhydramine (also Benadryl) Main Index
Here's more trip reports from Erowid:
Erowid Experience Vaults: Diphenhydramine (also Benadryl) Main Index