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I pay 450 for a fucking Honda Civic plus 200 for insurance a month. Insurance is south Florida is a bitch. And the reason why my car payment is so high is cause I had no credit but now I'm at 720 and I'm saving up to give a huge down payment for the civic SI 2016 😎
The borders should be illegal instead of the people, who were here before the bible and all of its sequels
I pay 450 for a fucking Honda Civic plus 200 for insurance a month. Insurance is south Florida is a bitch. And the reason why my car payment is so high is cause I had no credit but now I'm at 720 and I'm saving up to give a huge down payment for the civic SI 2016 😎
Ayye those new SI's are so sick!! The 2 tone interior, the cool spoiler amd the way they changed the body style looks so good! A 2 door or a 4 door?