Originally posted by Mars Martian
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Its okay, I know you had experiences in your life that probally turned you off towards God. Many people have, but that man up there has nothing but Love for you. Set aside all the "starving kids in africa" that you think God "created" set aside all the "hurricanes and natural disaters" that you think were "created" by God.
That man up there loves you more than you can ever know, and he wants to just interact with us so badly like so so so so much, but he just cant, not yet.
Dont hate God, hate sin.
If men didnt sin, we wouln't suffer, but because its in our nature to sin, we suffer.
Why do we sin?
Because God loves us that much, that he gave us free will...
What if we didnt have free will,
You would be FORCED, NO CHOICE, but to worship God. But God said, you know what, its your choice, those who worship me, will get the gift to come live in heaven. Whoever loves me enough, to put down the things of the earth, and follow 10 simple commandments, they will recieve the greatest gift of alll time... to live forever(:
God is nothing but love bro, even as your bashing him right now, hes still loving you man(:.
Your probally don't believe in God yet because you have yet to figure out he actually communicates with us.
Hmm for example, I was really really bored at my house, and it was aorund 4pm, and I was thinking that man, im gonna end up buying weed tonight, I just know it. Im getting really bored, and im gonna end up getting high, but I prayed to God, and asked him to give me something to do, so that I wont be bored and end up being tempted to smoke,
later that day, I got a call from my buddies from church, and we hung out all night till 3 am, didnt even think about Weed that whole time.
Another time was, my ex gf called to come over, and I knew if she came over, what we would end up doing, and Im EXTREMELY weak to temptation when it comes to sex. So i prayed and asked God to help me fight this temptation off when she comes over,
She called back and said she coudlnt go, no reason was given.
I could go on and on, Coincendence? Naa bro, cause before in the week she called me, and she came over and we had sex, and I felt terrible.
Things like that. If you were to go and get saved right now, and truly have faith that there is a God, you will SEE him answer prayers right before your eyes.
You probally think that he's some Mircale man up there when you pray for cow, hes gonna make one fall from the sky or appear outta nowhere, Na bro.
He's a supernatural God, but he makes things happen naturally, in a way you can explain them. Cause what if I sat here and told you that I asked God to give me something to do that night, and I told you that a playstation 5 appeared outta nowhere on my bed and I played all night long,
It wouldnt seem real right?
Or what If I told you that after my ex gf called me, and I prayed to God to help me fight this temptation, And I told you that My ex Gf got magically poofed to mexico or something lol.