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End Of The World

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  • #37
    Originally posted by StevenHTX View Post
    Nah man, we all dead by 21st
    Yeah because earth is just going to flick off on the day.

    1) Were not going to be hit by a meteor/asteroid (we would already know, and nasa have numerous plans to stop one if a meteor were on collision course with earth)

    2) If by a rare chance a virus outbroke on the day, it would take 21 days to go worldwide from point of impact, so that would be January until the whole world is wiped out (not counting people may take shelter in bunkers and live for a little longer)


    • #38
      Originally posted by Dexter. View Post
      Yeah because earth is just going to flick off on the day.

      1) Were not going to be hit by a meteor/asteroid (we would already know, and nasa have numerous plans to stop one if a meteor were on collision course with earth)

      2) If by a rare chance a virus outbroke on the day, it would take 21 days to go worldwide from point of impact, so that would be January until the whole world is wiped out (not counting people may take shelter in bunkers and live for a little longer)
      Mayan calander ends on december 21


      • #39
        Originally posted by StevenHTX View Post
        Mayan calander ends on december 21

        The calender on my wall ends December 31st, but all it means is I need a new calender.


        • #40
          Originally posted by Dexter. View Post
          The calender on my wall ends December 31st, but all it means is I need a new calender.

          that's exactly was NASA says as well.

          NASA - Beyond 2012: Why the World Won't End
          .................... ....................


          • #41
            Ofcourse the world won't end. And if the world will end, within 8 days, then there will be a huge alien invasion, and they'll kidnap all the people who didn't believe in aliens.

            That's my theory.


            • #42
              Lol calm down, yall be taking shit too seriously...


              • #43
                shout out to all the aliens chilling at area 51


                • #44
                  shoutsout JBAR

                  FUCK WiT DUNSTON, iMMA PUT MY FOOT iN YO ASS


                  • #45
                    Mayan people don't even believe that it's going to be the end of the world. It's a misinterpretation.


                    • #46
                      Fresh with the hustle, so we bounce back on them suckas


                      • #47
                        did you hear about gangnam style and nostradamus prediction?


                        • #48
                          Originally posted by Pux View Post
                          did you hear about gangnam style and nostradamus prediction?
                          Yeah, shit is CRAY!

                          That Asian nigga had to act like a horse
                          Originally posted by Shake
                          Why so negative all the time???

