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How we will all look 1,000 years from now

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  • How we will all look 1,000 years from now

    EVOLUTION has changed our bodies and faces over thousands of years � and it�s still happening.

    Here�s how leading anatomical experts predict our descendants will differ physically from us in 1,000 years from now.

    - We�ll be TALLER at 6-7ft because of improved nutrition and medical science. Osteopath Garry Trainer, from north London, says: �The average American is about one inch taller than in 1960.�

    - Our INTESTINES will get shorter so we don�t absorb as much fat and sugar � a natural way of avoiding obesity, says dentist Dr Philip Stemmer.

    - If male fertility declines further, there will be SMALLER TESTICLES (tough luck, chaps).

    - Our most used extremities will change dramatically. ARMS AND FINGERS get longer to reduce the need to reach too far and nerve endings in hands and fingers will increase because of the greater use of devices such as iPhones that need complex eye-hand coordination.

    - We�ll have SMALLER BRAINS, maybe because so much memorising and thinking is done by our computers. �Science fiction images show humans of the future with huge brains but big brains are not necessarily the best,� says Chris Stringer, from the Natural History Museum.

    - There will be LARGE EYES to compensate for smaller mouths. Cary Cooper, of Lancaster University, explains: �Communication will rely on facial expressions and eye movements.�

    - Dentist Dr Stemmer also thinks there could be FEWER TEETH as softer food needs less chewing and biting. He says: �We could even get our nutrition from liquids or pills in the future, which could mean less teeth and receded jaws.�

    - Expect people to have QUADRUPLE CHINS. �Our bodies were designed for eating less and using more energy than a modern lifestyle requires,� says Rajiv Grover, a consultant plastic surgeon.

    We can expect other dramatic changes too.

    - Everyone will have the same shape of NOSE because climate is having less influence on broad or narrow hooters thanks to air conditioning and central heating.

    - Central heating and warm clothing means we�ll be LESS HAIRY but there�ll be more WRINKLES as a result of peering at our electronic devices.

    We could end up with saggy turkey necks too because extra sun will cause loose skin and baggy eyelids. And there will be darker skin as people move around the planet and races mix.

    You’ll have smaller brains, more wrinkles and fewer teeth | The Sun |Features

  • #2
    lol wtf

    in 1000 years i think we will all be dead


    • #3
      The Sun is not a credible newspaper company, this is all trash, sorry !


      • #4
        lol we'll be ugly as fuck

        Go & Listen ..


        • #5
          Lmaoooo, had me at the SMALLER TESTICLES part


          • #6
            God damn, my grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand


            Gon' look ugly AF
            Originally posted by Shake
            Why so negative all the time???


            • #7
              Lol. Jesus will come back before 1000 years tbh


              • #8
                Originally posted by KidComet View Post
                Lol. Jesus will come back before 1000 years tbh
                Lets hope so....Jesus would go and be like fuck this shit when he see these humans lol
                Originally posted by Shake
                Why so negative all the time???


                • #9
                  Lol I don't know about your people but mine won't look like that.


                  • #10
                    Humans have looked the same for 5000+ years, what makes any idiot think well change that drastically in 1000


                    • #11
                      At least kaden will fit in


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dexter. View Post
                        At least kaden will fit in
                        I could sell Sweet and Low to Sugar Ray Leonard!!!

