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New site, feedback wanted!

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  • New site, feedback wanted!

    So I started a site a few months back and been slacking cuz i've been working two jobs. Anyway, i want your guys' opinion though. It's a site on pop music. I'm starting a site on hip hop and pop music just to attend to different audiences. My hip hop themed site will be up in about a month. Anyway, for this pop site what do you guys think and what should I add/remove to it. Tell me anything. I been slacking on the updates cuz of my job like I said but here it is.. my next site on hip-hop will be similar to this one but hopefully better. is the site

  • #2
    lilwaynehq is better


    • #3
      It's good I guess. But I think it shoudn't say Page 1, Page 2, ...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Megaman View Post
        It's good I guess. But I think it shoudn't say Page 1, Page 2, ...
        ooh, i see.. yeah those pages are blank for now until i add content to it.. the site is dead basically til i get time or staff to bring it to life.


        • #5
          [MENTION=41941]Arturo[/MENTION] looks dope!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Arturo View Post
            ooh, i see.. yeah those pages are blank for now until i add content to it.. the site is dead basically til i get time or staff to bring it to life.
            it looks dope and when u make ur Hip-Hop site let me be a mod that would be so dope


            • #7
              dead at wat the chatbox on the site says [MENTION=60086]KidComet[/MENTION]


              • #8
                looks dope af


                • #9
                  thanks for the replies ppl, promise the hip hop site is gonna be like this but better. Like a professional non ghetto version of wshh.

