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Creating a Personality

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  • Creating a Personality

    Just an excerpt from my blog I figured some of you may enjoy. Take care.

    With the inevitable ending of winter being right around the corner its time to let my research and studying to come to a slow decline, and time to start working through the demand of people looking for some help. Its been a great few months learning a lot from some of the big names in the current new-age therapy scene (Richard Bandler has a LOT of great information!). With the new insights I’ve learned and trickled into my skill set I’m excited to help not only the people already in contact with me, but also some of the people I’ve TURNED AWAY in the past for not having the appropriate tools for the job. If you we’re looking to get in contact with me before please don’t hesitate to do so now! Send an email to and we can get to working on your goals quickly and effectively . All that being said, I’ve recently seen an influx in a SPECIFIC problem many people are having issues with. I dedicate this too all out there who are having the same or similar problems. Without further a due…..

    “I don’t like my personality, I wish I didn’t have the things that happened to me occur because I don’t like what its created me into”.

    All to often I’ve heard this in one variation or another, and I have good news for those of you who relate to this very issue. You can STOP NOW. Its as easy as that…Okay maybe its a LITTLE more complicated, but not by much.

    People normally go through life expecting that they are products of their environment. This simply is not the case. People are products of what they LET EFFECT them. The brain, much like every other part of our body is essentially a muscle, consisting of neurological path ways and constructs we’ve created for ourselves and through repetition.

    For some this may come as a relief or freeing, but this also comes with a downside this also means all the personality constructs you’ve created that you find less than USEFUL are also caused by you. However gone are the days where you feel at mercy to what society has deemed you as “created” to be. How does one go about changing things that we’ve been conditioned to believe is hardwired into us? Simply stop. Through conscious effort and attention our personality is much like a peice of art which we can create as beautiful or as abrasive as we’d like.
    All this sounds fluffy and fun but how does one REALLY begin to craft their own representational systems and personality’s?

    In hypnosis there’s a method of becoming apparent to these things that exist inside of our mind called “parts therapy”. Here we will essentially be doing the same thing, but without trance (disappointing to all you trance-junkies out there) using just a piece of paper and your time and attention.
    The way I personally like to go about this is as such…

    Create 3 columns on a piece of paper, the first headed “Aspect”, the second “Use’s” and the third and final headed “Alterations”.

    Under the first column list all the aspects of your personality you can think of.
    Ex. Empathetic, Ambition, Laziness, Apathy, Strength, Family Oriented, Self sufficient, etc. The title doesn’t matter as much as the meaning it holds to you. It may also help to have a short description describing in what situations these traits are apparent in your lifestyle.

    The second column we will list the uses these traits serve us. Be sure to be honest and include all uses regardless of how beneficial they are. For instance, while laziness may not be a GOOD trait to have, it may serve a purpose as far as keeping stress to a minimum or not overloading yourself.

    With the third column, spend time considering how each of these traits could be altered to better serve you. In the same example you could list that PLANNED laziness would be more effective, only allowing yourself time to sit around after you’ve accomplished X amount of things. If you suffer from a constant need to seem superior, you may want to conclude that striving to be superior is not a bad thing as long as you constantly checking yourself to make sure in the circumstance your doing it in a humble manner and not seeking approval.

    Once you’ve identified what alterations would be useful it becomes a task of willpower, keeping the list in your pocket may help.

    As was stated the brain is a muscle and like so it requires constant strain in order to grow, next time your in a position where your finding yourself feeling lazy take out your list and look to the Alteration column and say to yourself have I EARNED being lazy right now? If the answer is no find a way to be productive and reward yourself after with watching something on TV for an hour.

    Conditioning yourself is how you’ve got this far, its time to start using it to your advantage and under your control.
    I hope you find this exercise useful, I know I sure did.

    P.S. I AM offering coaching sessions currently structured to your needs, if your looking to loose weight, kick a habit, increase your confidence or even have an easier time getting into a useful mindset (preparing to do art, sports, etc.) We can work together and make sure we get your needs accomplished in a manner quicker than you may have ever thought possible! I look forward to hearing from you!

    In Love,
    Tyler xo.
    -It feels like I've slept for 2 days or more....I am still trying to figure out what happened, I feel so good. I cant recall what the best part was, everything felt so good...I was skeptical I would be hypnotized but you got me under pretty quick!-Satisfied Customer

    Looking for powerful permanent change? Hit me up


  • #2


















    Originally posted by Shake
    Why so negative all the time???


    • #3
      how much these coaching sessions cost?


      • #4



        • #5
          Originally posted by jvg View Post
          how much these coaching sessions cost?
          The borders should be illegal instead of the people, who were here before the bible and all of its sequels


          • #6
            Originally posted by jvg View Post
            how much these coaching sessions cost?

            Sent you a PM. I'd like to keep sales related things off the board.

            Just sharing for those of you that might stumble across this and find some use out of proven new-age psychology methods.

            Haters can continue to pass up the wealth of knowledge. I realize its cooler to dismiss than apply.

            Take Care all.
            -It feels like I've slept for 2 days or more....I am still trying to figure out what happened, I feel so good. I cant recall what the best part was, everything felt so good...I was skeptical I would be hypnotized but you got me under pretty quick!-Satisfied Customer


            Looking for powerful permanent change? Hit me up



            • #7
              [MENTION=67301]jvg[/MENTION] show us those PMs bruh
              The borders should be illegal instead of the people, who were here before the bible and all of its sequels


              • #8
                .................... ....................


                • #9
                  OP speaks the truth. Only you can consciously change how you behave and act in different situations. With enough desire to improve yourself and willpower it's far from impossible! +rep


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Flame Beats View Post


                    • #11
                      My knee grow I'm taking psychology, I'm gucci!!!!

                      Love Women XO

                      The Weeknd - 33 Mill

                      I WENT FROM RED BARS, TO REP STARS.


                      • #12
                        im not looking to lose weight but what if im looking to cut down on fapping

                        can you help me with dat?

