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Oh yeah shit, I completely forgot Bungie were doing that. I've got a lot of time for Bungie, such a good game dev. Really listen to their community feedback.
It's hard to explain. Halo is just seriously good fun bro! I'll see. I've got time to figure it out.
Oh yeah shit, I completely forgot Bungie were doing that. I've got a lot of time for Bungie, such a good game dev. Really listen to their community feedback.
Just realized Destiny is coming to Xbox one too, so you can buy an xbox one and have both destiny and halo.
Lmao you lot have to pay for online now and you'll still probably get hacked and go offline for a few months
lol... They were targeted by a group of extremely good hackers... If they targeted Xbox the outcome would have been exactly the same, so invalid comment there.
$5, and whatever in £ is gonna be is fuck all. We'll still play games we want, with or without online, and without making the system useless. Plus now paying for online will give Sony the the extra funds to run into the company for higher end servers just like Microsoft do. Their FREE online for the PS3 was always a great service, nobody can complain about what they provided, especially when it's been free.
They made some heavy mistakes when it come to the PS3, and it looks like they are making up for it all with this system. Microsoft are hoping their fan base is going to be loyal and move along with the changes and obstacles... But I've already seen many Xbox owners say they have pre-ordered the PS4 or are getting it.