Who Is the Illuminati?
SPOILERIlluminati has been working for a long time. Now who is the illumimati?
Its simple.
No, the Illuminati does not have a twitter.
No, the Illuminati does not have a facebook page
No, they do not have a website.
You would have to be severely stupid to think that an organization as such would even have a social networking account.
All those things mentioned above make the Illuminati seem like a joke, the name has been tossed around so sporadically, that of course it seems fake. But I tell you that they are very real. No rapper , actor, actres, etc is in the illuminati. They consist of only about 13 bloodlines, 13 families.
(Links are clickable)
- The Astor Bloodline
- The Bundy Bloodline
- The Collins Bloodline
- The DuPont Bloodline
- The Freeman Bloodline
- The Kennedy Bloodline
- The Li Bloodline
- The Onassis Bloodline
- The Reynolds Bloodline
- The Rockefeller Bloodline
- The Rothschild Bloodline
- The Russell Bloodline
- The Van Duyn Bloodline
and of course some interconnected bloodlines also.
- The Disney Bloodline
- The Krupp Bloodline
- The McDonald Bloodline
That is it, those families and those families only are and were in it. Nobody else.
Recap: So what have we learned. We learned that the Illuminati does not consist of celebrities and rappers. Lil Wayne, inst in the Illuminati, Jay-z ? Nope. Kanye west? Negative. Why are these rappers always convicted to be said to in the Illuminati? I'll get to that later. But no, these little precious rappers of yours aren't in it. But that doesn't mean they are in no way against them either.
(will edit later)
Some stuff the government has hidden from you.
They have been practicing cloning, and bringing the dead back to life as seen in this video since decades ago. Imagine what they can do now.
Why was this shown in a baseball game?