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Someone told me dat he can really rap, but chooses to make stupid songs. I wanna here his real shit cuz I can't sit down and listen to dis nigga w/o going *BANG BANG*
Someone told me dat he can really rap, but chooses to make stupid songs. I wanna here his real shit cuz I can't sit down and listen to dis nigga w/o going *BANG BANG*
nah he cant rap, he got his own style either fuck with it or not
most of his new shit is trash compared to his shit from last year though lol
nah he cant rap, he got his own style either fuck with it or not
most of his new shit is trash compared to his shit from last year though lol
So if I thought he was bad last year, then this year he must be
Yea he mostly has fucking waste songs but just drops good once in a while.. but chief has so many songs and he hasnt been in the game that long
Yeah, I checked some YouTube channel that has I think his every song and there was really a looot of songs.. And he is just 17..
Amazing body of work... Even though most are shit..still thats a lot of songs..
Yeah, I checked some YouTube channel that has I think his every song and there was really a looot of songs.. And he is just 17.. Amazing body of work... Even though most are shit..still thats a lot of songs..