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How is Rihanna a 10/10 with no boobs?

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  • #73
    Originally posted by luciana View Post
    eu também to aqui desde 2009, mas vinha só pra ver as novidades e nunca comentava nada, comecei a ficar mais ativa aqui há poucos meses, e vi uns 5 brasileiros também no maximo hahahaha e eu acho meu inglês péssimo, nunca sei escrever direito ou me expressar bem, mas eu melhorei um pouco! e o pessoal vai começar a xingar a gente por tá falando em portugues hahahah
    off topic you know?
    kkk sou assim com o meu portugues nao sei me expressar bem, vim para Londres quando tinha 8 anos agora to com 19 lol.
    Eh verdade kkk

    Syrup, percocet, and an eighth a day will leave you broke, depressed, and emotionally vacant
    Despite how Lil' Wayne lives
    It's not conducive to being creative
    And I know cause he's my favorite
    And I know cause I was off that same mix
    Rationalize the shit that I'd try after I listen to "Dedication"
    But he's an alien
    I'd sip that shit
    Pass out or play PlayStation.


    • #74
      Originally posted by Stryder View Post
      dont cock block bro, I'll bring you in

      How the fuck is this cock blocking? you ain't gonna fuck her through the internet or some shit B. and i was just coming through this thread, i'm out now though.


      • #75
        Originally posted by YoungTunechie View Post
        How the fuck is this cock blocking? you ain't gonna fuck her through the internet or some shit B. and i was just coming through this thread, i'm out now though.

        looool damn no sense of humour jheeeze.
        Syrup, percocet, and an eighth a day will leave you broke, depressed, and emotionally vacant
        Despite how Lil' Wayne lives
        It's not conducive to being creative
        And I know cause he's my favorite
        And I know cause I was off that same mix
        Rationalize the shit that I'd try after I listen to "Dedication"
        But he's an alien
        I'd sip that shit
        Pass out or play PlayStation.


        • #76
          Originally posted by Nigga View Post
          Também falo português, mas de portugal

          Uma pergunta. Como é visto o Wayne no Brasil? é que tenho uma amiga brasileira que não conhece o Weezy.
          Ah que legal a diferença do português brasileiro e de portugal é pouca, dá pra gente se entender! hahaha
          Então, muita gente aqui não faz a menor ideia de quem é o Lil Wayne, ou só ouviu Lollipop ou Soldier com a beyonce... e alguns que conhecem falam "é aquele baixinho todo tatuado?" hahahah mas eu conheci algumas pessoas que realmente gostam dele, são poucas pessoas, mas os que conhecem gostam bastante mesmo!! eu até acho que se ele viesse pro Brasil iria bastante gente no show...

          - - - Updated - - -

          Originally posted by Stryder View Post
          kkk sou assim com o meu portugues nao sei me expressar bem, vim para Londres quando tinha 8 anos agora to com 19 lol.
          Eh verdade kkk

          BACK TO TOPIC
          nossa então metade da sua vida foi ai em Londres! hahahah mas você ainda não esqueceu o português e isso é bom
          e eu tambem tenho 19 hahahah back to topic again


          • #77
            Originally posted by Stryder View Post
            looool damn no sense of humour jheeeze.

            I do have a sense of humor, that wasn't funny, it was stupid., No feelings hurt though, right?


            • #78
              Originally posted by YoungTunechie View Post
              I do have a sense of humor, that wasn't funny, it was stupid., No feelings hurt though, right?
              Syrup, percocet, and an eighth a day will leave you broke, depressed, and emotionally vacant
              Despite how Lil' Wayne lives
              It's not conducive to being creative
              And I know cause he's my favorite
              And I know cause I was off that same mix
              Rationalize the shit that I'd try after I listen to "Dedication"
              But he's an alien
              I'd sip that shit
              Pass out or play PlayStation.


              • #79
                Originally posted by Stryder View Post

                Cool then.


                • #80


                  • #81
                    Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
                    she doesn't have the best body but is still sexy af
                    yeah, what this guy said about sums it up!

