Originally posted by Critic
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I did not tell lilweezyfan he isn't Christian enough.. I simply told him he's either christian or he isn't. There is no medium. If one professes to be a child of God, one must first remove himself from this world, as worldliness and God do not mix.
As for Kanye West, we can only judge by the fruits that he bears.
Look at what
Matthew 7:16-20 say
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
By the person that you are a, the fruits that one bears, we can know if said tree, or if said person, is corrupt with evil or not. You can judge Kanye by the fruits that he bears.. is he really a man of God for making ONE Jesus record, in which he states he will not get paid or any radio play for talking about God and the Gospel on his records. It seems to me that song was more of a depart from God than a reconciled with God track, because every track after that one track, has been promoting sinful nature.
And no, ''good'' people do not go to heaven. There is no amount of good that you can do, to ''earn'' your ticket into heaven. The bible tells us in Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
It's through faith of Jesus Christ alone, not thru being a good person. There are many good atheist, are they going to heaven? Of course not, they do not believe.
Originally posted by Critic
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Please try to understand my friend, the TV, Music, Media, all of that stuff, creep into our very subconscious minds without you even knowing it. Don't look at yourself, look at the world, and see, what people are most infatuated with nowadays...? What keeps people's minds so intrigued, so slaved down, and so controlled?
The devil isn't trying to scare you, yet...
2 Corinthians 11:14 says
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Satan wants to attract you in, he wants to slowly but surley keep your mind off the truth, off of what's really going on.
And how does he do that...? Since a baby, since 2-3 years old, we are infatuated with the damn television screen.
Why do you think they call it Television PROGRAMMING. TELL A VISION.
Society clings to whatever media tells them too. I seen it first hand many times. Example, girl named Chelsea at my school, she posted this 2 years ago, I'll never forget, it was something along the lines of "Man I wish my life was like Jershy Shore, all they get to do is party and have sex
I am not saying the media is the ONLY weapon the devil uses, the devil uses many weapons and tatics to keep us from the truth, but hollywood, is a big one, trust me.
Again, look at the world as a whole, and not yourself.
You might just say, well its been like that forever, evil has been here all the time, well is that not the problem? How long before people start accepting full pledge devil worship. Were at a point were the world is halfly okay with it already... they just brush it off. We have became so used to whatever the world shows us already, nothing at this point surprises us anymore. How long until every single show on TV has occult symbolism? How long before the very cartoons we let the little ones watch start promoting homosexuality, adultery, fornication, everything that God is against,
Do you not see with your eyes that the world is becomming less and less Godly, and more and more like the way Satan wants it to be like?
The bible says in Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.
The devil KNOWS the scripture , he knows what God likes, and what God doesn't like. Look around, is homosexuality not promoting, and most promptly thru where...? The Media... You think there is ever going to be something on the media AGAINST it? No! Nothing but support support support. lets support the idea of homosexuality, if two men love each other, let them love, its alright, nothing is wrong with it! Right?
Wrong.. dead wrong. God says it is an abomination. HOMOSEXUALTY, not HOMOSEXUALS. God loves us all, gay or not, but HOMOSEXUALITY, is indeed a sin,.
Abortion... the GIFT of LIFE.... LIFE is a GIFT, Every little live that is in a womb, God made specifially, he/she has a purpose in this life, life is a precious thing, God made life, and what does the devil want to do with God's gift of life..? DESTROY IT. Why is abortion becoming so widly accepted nowadays... why why why? It is GOD'S CREATION BEING DESTROYEDD!!!!
Why do satanist offer up a baby a sacrafice to satan????? The sammmmee reason!! They want to serve satan, do what HE wants, and destroy Gods lil creation. He has already tricked society into thinking aboriton is perfectly normal. It is NOT!! Baby's are a BLESSING from the LORD!!!
Anything that God sees as Bad, will be promoted!! ANYTHING! CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!
Again my friends, I am not your enemy.. I am seriously not.
Luke 21:17 the Lord says
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
Is it not true?
Do not be a fool, be wise my friends! You guys are better than this world and what it has to offer! Trust me, you guys are much much better than a man like Lil Wayne!
God Bless. And as always, the truth is the truth, but the truth is never popular.