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Type in EMU4ios into safari and press top link .. Install GBA4ios and then when the app is done. Click the search button in the top right corner and click top link and bang! Loads of games.
Type in EMU4ios into safari and press top link .. Install GBA4ios and then when the app is done. Click the search button in the top right corner and click top link and bang! Loads of games.
trust me, I fuckin play Black Ops, Modern Warfare, GTA, etc. and I enjoy it, but when I was on line for each of those I'd see handful of kids ranging from 11-14. yeah these games definitely "target" mature audiences. lots of kids play these because they want to try so hard to grow up so they go ahead and get these games which defeats the purpose of the game being made for mature people. and dont get me started on the kids I hear on MW3/BO2 when I'm on Live
Zelda is GOAT franchise 2bh
actin like Zelda (created action-adventure genre), Mario (established platforming), Goldeneye 007 (GOAT shooting game), etc. isn't the grandfather of this home console shit
Miyamoto is GOAT game designer btw
and Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 are most likely in Top 10 of every site's "Best Video Games" list