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The pure thought of me going thru that whole process just to talk about demons is revolting. Im not gonna trick people into reading about God and spirituality , if they wanna read good, and they don't, okay.
Well to begin this thread seems to me as a sort of like a death of nickiminajsitonmyface type thing. His clearly getting sick of the act and is removing him, i mean why out of no where after him being sooo active hate us all and want to leave? Didnt he leave the forum previously to go to grass city or something and who was apart of that forum at one stage Kidcomet.
Whats the chances of a guy whos almost exactly the opposite of KidComet in almost every single way possible,dropping from the sky to debate about demons and all that kinda nonsense during a time where KidComet was struggling to get any sort of conversation going with you guys. He knew you guys would likely read the stuff posted if their was some sort of attraction like say a psycho looking guy who loves the devil.
and notice how he barely ever makes his own threads about that anymore its all being done through his alt
and then he randomly brings up that beef with the Lady gaga forum and who was the main organiser and executer of that?
hey look i may not be right but thats just my idea on all this. if im wrong im wrong i dont care.
Edit: Also whats the BEST way to piss off wayne fans on LWHQ? Say Lil Waynes wack and hail Kanye West of course and whos been doing just that recently?
The pure thought of me going thru that whole process just to talk about demons is revolting. Im not gonna trick people into reading about God and spirituality , if they wanna read good, and they don't, okay.