Originally posted by WeEeEeEzZzZyYy
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protect dunston at all costs
Originally posted by DUNSTON View Postnah im srs. had a guy i knew in hs go thru real depression. if OP is truly depressed and not jus sad with life, it wont jus go away. depression is an illness. u need help if u have it, doctors help. the guy i knew in hs was depressed but scared (& didnt think he needed actual help) to go get help with it and thought it would go away. i talked wit him about it durin school but i guess he never got help and the summer b4 senior year he killed himself
Originally posted by WeezyFan View PostI was depressed for about 2 years when I was younger, I didn't see a doctor, it went away eventually, most people gets a depression once in their lifetime
protect dunston at all costs
Originally posted by DUNSTON View Postmaybe u were sad with life, there is a difference. i took a course 2 years ago and we went over this kinda stuff for like half the course. ppl often just arent happy with life/frustrated/sad and think its depression
and ty all for the music, some of it is rly nice
Originally posted by LilWayneNorwayLove View Postdoes it rly matter? like the definition of my problem does not change anything, not now anyway. but ye maby it's just that i arent happy with life/frustrated/sad.. idono
and ty all for the music, some of it is rly nice
Originally posted by WeEeEeEzZzZyYy View Post
I hate them thirsty bitches
Cut them off like circumcision
-Lil Wayne
Originally posted by LilWayneNorwayLove View Postdoes it rly matter? like the definition of my problem does not change anything, not now anyway. but ye maby it's just that i arent happy with life/frustrated/sad.. idono
and ty all for the music, some of it is rly nice
bein sad with life and havin bad thoughts like suicide isnt goin to be cured by a doctor or medicine
bein truly depressed (a mental illness) and havin bad thoughts CAN be cured by a doctor or medicine
read next time when some1 is givin u advice when they could care less about u
im out
protect dunston at all costs
Originally posted by DUNSTON View Postmaybe u were sad with life, there is a difference. i took a course 2 years ago and we went over this kinda stuff for like half the course. ppl often just arent happy with life/frustrated/sad and think its depression
the depression was probaly caused by the ritalin/pharmacutical amphetamine I was taking at the time
Originally posted by WeEeEeEzZzZyYy View Post
Originally posted by DUNSTON View Postyes it matters
bein sad with life and havin bad thoughts like suicide isnt goin to be cured by a doctor or medicine
bein truly depressed (a mental illness) and havin bad thoughts CAN be cured by a doctor or medicine
read next time when some1 is givin u advice when they could care less about u
im out
Originally posted by LilWayneNorwayLove View Postoh... i did not think they were going to cure anything, i have read a lot on "helping sites" or whatever u call it, form norway, what i got from reading was that it was mostly that they tryed to talk u through it... maby ther is a language barrier here
just cause you can't make your parents happy or is it something else like you have no friends or you don't like the way you look?
a lot of things.. but i don't know what is the reson, and what came because of it...
but, no i don't like the way i look.. but i did not want to discuss why and all that.. it's to personal..
if it was posible i would close this thred now, i got some new nice mucis and i got to tell somone for the first time even tho your all strangers. ty all, would appreciate it if ther were no more posts if u don't have somthing u rly want to say