Some people see this world, and they see challenges.
Other people see this world, and they also see challenges.
"The weak shall be eaten."
This place called Earth, is nothing but a very large competition. It's a big game, if you will. And some people, actually a lot of people can not handle this ultimate truth.
So they become failures, they start blaming other people. Essentially anything that will bring themselves up in a way to make themselves feel better that... They simply can't face competition.
"Half of y'all won't make it." - Jay-Z.
Play the game or become a failure.
The end.
Other people see this world, and they also see challenges.
"The weak shall be eaten."
This place called Earth, is nothing but a very large competition. It's a big game, if you will. And some people, actually a lot of people can not handle this ultimate truth.
So they become failures, they start blaming other people. Essentially anything that will bring themselves up in a way to make themselves feel better that... They simply can't face competition.
"Half of y'all won't make it." - Jay-Z.
Play the game or become a failure.
The end.