Government administering aids,
Government having the cure for aids, but not releasing,
Government has technology that can control the weather
etc etc
its not conspiracy people
here we have this dude with the private prisions,
you know who owns these prisons, the people who own Music Labels,
its a win win for them, they get artist to promote gang activity, it return, those people get influnced to commit crimes, and they get sent to jail, when gangster rap was at its all time high,
now gangster rap has died down a lil
Government administering aids,
Government having the cure for aids, but not releasing,
Government has technology that can control the weather
etc etc
its not conspiracy people
here we have this dude with the private prisions,
you know who owns these prisons, the people who own Music Labels,
its a win win for them, they get artist to promote gang activity, it return, those people get influnced to commit crimes, and they get sent to jail, when gangster rap was at its all time high,
now gangster rap has died down a lil