Maybe a better question is do you believe in life after death? I have a little theory that whatever you do in this life, affects what happens to you in your next life.
Like, if you are a bad person in this life. You might be born as a child refugee in Africa in your next life. Or, if you are a good person. For example, you spend a lot of your time in helping others instead of destroying, God or the Universe or whatever you believe in, will reward you in your next life.
I have read somewhere that the people who do not enjoy this Earthly experience too much, will not be reincarnated and will instead be born in to another place. Another planet, another time. Interesting huh?
On the other hand, the people who enjoy Earth a lot. Will probably be reincarnated.
Like, if you are a bad person in this life. You might be born as a child refugee in Africa in your next life. Or, if you are a good person. For example, you spend a lot of your time in helping others instead of destroying, God or the Universe or whatever you believe in, will reward you in your next life.
I have read somewhere that the people who do not enjoy this Earthly experience too much, will not be reincarnated and will instead be born in to another place. Another planet, another time. Interesting huh?
On the other hand, the people who enjoy Earth a lot. Will probably be reincarnated.