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Originally posted by nickiminajsitonmyfaceView Post
What's your deal anyway dude? Talking down to me and shit? I for one find it interesting that there is aliens everywhere right now. It's also a hobby of mine, or a passion whatever. What are your passions? Drinking whiskey and watching movies? Chasing ghosts FOH.
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I don't really care enough to walk around and search for UFO's. They're on YouTube enough.
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Nah they're on YouTube. I'm not gonna run around with a camera lmao. Not that in to it.
im really not trying to talk down to you...i apologize if i came off that way...i respect your opinion and your right to have that opinion i was just playing around making conversation...i guess we are going to have to agree to disagree
im really not trying to talk down to you...i apologize if i came off that way...i respect your opinion and your right to have that opinion i was just playing around making conversation...i guess we are going to have to agree to disagree
It's cool man I'm kinda strung out on sleep cuz of drinking and stuff usual teenage crap haha.
The ocean is a huge place that changes constantly is it really that surprising that a plane got lost in all that water? Lets put it in to perspective if a plane fell into the dessert the plain dessert it would be hard enough to find let alone a possibly blown up plane in the middle of the ocean especially since you can only see so much from the air the oceans DEEP. People talking about Aliens and Portals to other dimensions are stupid there have been numerous planes lost into the ocean this is only being talked about due to the tensions recently OPEN YOUR EYES TO REAL LIFE.
explain why the families of the ppl on the planes are ringing phones of the passengers and they are ringing fine? also please explain why the pilot didn't do that blackbox thing or let anyone at the airport know they were about to go into the ocean? this cuts out any terrorist or crashes
explain why the families of the ppl on the planes are ringing phones of the passengers and they are ringing fine? also please explain why the pilot didn't do that blackbox thing or let anyone at the airport know they were about to go into the ocean? this cuts out any terrorist or crashes
dude its not because they want us to know...its because we WANT to know...the media is a reflection of the people..they will run what sells...violence sells..and celebrities making fools out of themselves also sells..there is no great conspiracy my friend...i know its not as grandiose as your theory...but natural selection is over...the slow people are no longer being phased out...they are the ones reproducing at a vast rate...collectively bringing down the average IQ of our entire species...its not the goverment/the media/the illuminati thats bringing down the world.....its us my friend
I def agree that they give us what is wanted. And all that stuff does sell and does increase views,
But like I said, no mainstream news is reporting on those troops bordering te Ukraine currently, and you gotta wonder why..? This isn't like the only time they with hold information from us . Why do they not report certain things that they know will raise eyebrows.
There is def something fishy with thy missing plane and Russia invading Ukraine simetanously that doesn't sit well with me.
Did you know that were talking about an EMP attack on Fox New just a few hours ago. They were saying that their were 55,000 different generator hubs around the United States, and you only need to take out 9 of them to take out the whole power grid.
9 out of 55,000!!!
He let out this information on mainstream news, and he got fidgety when he was talking about and said he isn't sure if he should release this info. And then he other guy said "oh this is no big secret, everyone knows"
So Fox News is talking about a potential power outage just as ukraine and Russia are at the brink of war and when a plane mysteriously disappears..
They keep making excuses on finding it. Playing games. "Oh we believe it was here" " oh it was in the air for 4 hours" "oh it wasn't in the air for 4 hours" blah blah blah. That plane didn't crash. You would find floating debris by now. If it crashed you would find something by now. Anything.
That plane was hijacked and safely landed
somewhere and I believer it contains a weapon , an of course I'm not the only one who thinks this.. An attack is coming to the us very soon. I believe it to be true. All the signs are there
I def agree that they give us what is wanted. And all that stuff does sell and does increase views,
But like I said, no mainstream news is reporting on those troops bordering te Ukraine currently, and you gotta wonder why..? This isn't like the only time they with hold information from us . Why do they not report certain things that they know will raise eyebrows.
There is def something fishy with thy missing plane and Russia invading Ukraine simetanously that doesn't sit well with me.
Did you know that were talking about an EMP attack on Fox New just a few hours ago. They were saying that their were 55,000 different generator hubs around the United States, and you only need to take out 9 of them to take out the whole power grid.
9 out of 55,000!!!
He let out this information on mainstream news, and he got fidgety when he was talking about and said he isn't sure if he should release this info. And then he other guy said "oh this is no big secret, everyone knows"
So Fox News is talking about a potential power outage just as ukraine and Russia are at the brink of war and when a plane mysteriously disappears..
They keep making excuses on finding it. Playing games. "Oh we believe it was here" " oh it was in the air for 4 hours" "oh it wasn't in the air for 4 hours" blah blah blah. That plane didn't crash. You would find floating debris by now. If it crashed you would find something by now. Anything.
That plane was hijacked and safely landed
somewhere and I believer it contains a weapon , an of course I'm not the only one who thinks this.. An attack is coming to the us very soon. I believe it to be true. All the signs are there
I think a big attack is coming soon too. You already know tbh. The whole UFO thing is getting out of hand, and all of these sightings are sort of preparing the public for the big show. I just hope I have enough time.