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How do you accept Goodbye's?

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  • How do you accept Goodbye's?

    How can you accept someone you love to not be in your life anymore?

    In my school I got this girl who've been helping me for like around a year after I jumped off highschool for 1 year. She like helped me whit alot and gave me motivation to finnish highschool. Ive been meeting her like almost everyday im at school.

    Now she will quit when the summer holiday begins and I did not expect that. I got my last year, after the summer and she has never said she was about to quit (she was suppose to be there for a year like a understudy, but she said she was pretty sure she would stay after that, or that was what I understood). Its still a little, little chance she will stay. Its not in her hands she says.. (not her decision, since she was their like a understudy only).

    I've never had to remove someone from my life that I really love. I've lost alot of freinds before but not friends that have become family, shes like my big sister.

    She said we will still have contact and stuffs, but I know that wont happend. Shes like 20 - 30, like around 25. Its no way we will have contact, they year difference is too big.

    I dont wanna lose her from my life, I dont know what to do. She really means alot and now we will lose the contact, its fucked up.

    I would never accept the fact that she would be out of my life, if she has to leave/quit.

    Its fucking bullshit, I just wanna die.

  • #2
    i just accept it friend


    • #3
      If this is indefinite then the only thing you have is time to move on. It's what a lot of people are going to tell you but it's like the people who are really in to the Harry Potter series. Or people who were really in to Pokemon as kids.

      The key is to find something new, maybe similar to her or different to her. You're going to think about her for a while, like how I still think about Michelle. I don't think she ever even responded to me because she knows my current situation and how it is all bad, but you just have to fill the upcoming void.

      Whether that be through another girl or something you enjoy. I've been going through depression for over a year now and have learned that, being sad and doing nothing is the absolute worst thing to do. It's like a vicious circle that gets harder and harder to get out of.

      Don't try and beg her or become desperate for her to stay, this will just push her away. If she has to leave then let her and support her, if you really care for her then you will want what's best for her even if it's leaving you to pursue her own life.

      I remember an important lesson my English teacher taught my Junior year class, 8th period mind you (last period). I didn't understand the meaning of what he was trying to tell us at the time, but now I understand. He gave us all a short paper on coherence in writing and told us that, after we left HS that if we managed to save that paper and bring it back, he would treat the person who remembered and actually brought the paper to a free lunch.

      He told us he has done it for years, and that not ONE student has come back and taken him up on the offer.

      The lesson is obvious to me now, that the students no longer care for the connection they once had and do not want to even bother to re kindle it. Even me, the kid he tried to save from failure and drugs. Hmm, I might go back one day because I honestly still have the paper but idk. I might need security like Drake (lol jk).

      Be sad for a little bit, that's healthy. But keep it at a month tops, lay down and hate the world. Listen to A Day To Remember, smoke cigarettes, drink and be emo. But plan a cut off date and then focus on self improvement and other girls.

      Don't say the I just want to die shit. That hurts cuz I know a kid personally from my class (2012) who committed suicide. He hung himself in his bathroom. He was such a cool, chill kid too. Had a lot going for him but got hit with a serious criminal charge and had other problems and decided just to end it.

      I still remember the vibe the day I walked in to my 2nd period class in my Senior year that day. Girls crying, just terrible. Awful. I want to forget it.

      Keep your head up.
      המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים


      • #4
        post pics of the girl to assess the situation plz


        • #5
          its hard but you just need to accept and move on


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ozzie View Post
            How can you accept someone you love to not be in your life anymore?

            In my school I got this girl who've been helping me for like around a year after I jumped off highschool for 1 year. She like helped me whit alot and gave me motivation to finnish highschool. Ive been meeting her like almost everyday im at school.

            Now she will quit when the summer holiday begins and I did not expect that. I got my last year, after the summer and she has never said she was about to quit (she was suppose to be there for a year like a understudy, but she said she was pretty sure she would stay after that, or that was what I understood). Its still a little, little chance she will stay. Its not in her hands she says.. (not her decision, since she was their like a understudy only).

            I've never had to remove someone from my life that I really love. I've lost alot of freinds before but not friends that have become family, shes like my big sister.

            She said we will still have contact and stuffs, but I know that wont happend. Shes like 20 - 30, like around 25. Its no way we will have contact, they year difference is too big.

            I dont wanna lose her from my life, I dont know what to do. She really means alot and now we will lose the contact, its fucked up.

            I would never accept the fact that she would be out of my life, if she has to leave/quit.

            Its fucking bullshit, I just wanna die.
            have you tried explaining this to her??


            • #7
              if u need to tell somebody it before the time is over
              i mean explain to her what you basically posted here


              • #8
                Originally posted by nickiminajsitonmyface View Post
                If this is indefinite then the only thing you have is time to move on. It's what a lot of people are going to tell you but it's like the people who are really in to the Harry Potter series. Or people who were really in to Pokemon as kids.

                The key is to find something new, maybe similar to her or different to her. You're going to think about her for a while, like how I still think about Michelle. I don't think she ever even responded to me because she knows my current situation and how it is all bad, but you just have to fill the upcoming void.

                Whether that be through another girl or something you enjoy. I've been going through depression for over a year now and have learned that, being sad and doing nothing is the absolute worst thing to do. It's like a vicious circle that gets harder and harder to get out of.

                Don't try and beg her or become desperate for her to stay, this will just push her away. If she has to leave then let her and support her, if you really care for her then you will want what's best for her even if it's leaving you to pursue her own life.

                I remember an important lesson my English teacher taught my Junior year class, 8th period mind you (last period). I didn't understand the meaning of what he was trying to tell us at the time, but now I understand. He gave us all a short paper on coherence in writing and told us that, after we left HS that if we managed to save that paper and bring it back, he would treat the person who remembered and actually brought the paper to a free lunch.

                He told us he has done it for years, and that not ONE student has come back and taken him up on the offer.

                The lesson is obvious to me now, that the students no longer care for the connection they once had and do not want to even bother to re kindle it. Even me, the kid he tried to save from failure and drugs. Hmm, I might go back one day because I honestly still have the paper but idk. I might need security like Drake (lol jk).

                Be sad for a little bit, that's healthy. But keep it at a month tops, lay down and hate the world. Listen to A Day To Remember, smoke cigarettes, drink and be emo. But plan a cut off date and then focus on self improvement and other girls.

                Don't say the I just want to die shit. That hurts cuz I know a kid personally from my class (2012) who committed suicide. He hung himself in his bathroom. He was such a cool, chill kid too. Had a lot going for him but got hit with a serious criminal charge and had other problems and decided just to end it.

                I still remember the vibe the day I walked in to my 2nd period class in my Senior year that day. Girls crying, just terrible. Awful. I want to forget it.

                Keep your head up.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ozzie View Post
                  How can you accept someone you love to not be in your life anymore?

                  In my school I got this girl who've been helping me for like around a year after I jumped off highschool for 1 year. She like helped me whit alot and gave me motivation to finnish highschool. Ive been meeting her like almost everyday im at school.

                  Now she will quit when the summer holiday begins and I did not expect that. I got my last year, after the summer and she has never said she was about to quit (she was suppose to be there for a year like a understudy, but she said she was pretty sure she would stay after that, or that was what I understood). Its still a little, little chance she will stay. Its not in her hands she says.. (not her decision, since she was their like a understudy only).

                  I've never had to remove someone from my life that I really love. I've lost alot of freinds before but not friends that have become family, shes like my big sister.

                  She said we will still have contact and stuffs, but I know that wont happend. Shes like 20 - 30, like around 25. Its no way we will have contact, they year difference is too big.

                  I dont wanna lose her from my life, I dont know what to do. She really means alot and now we will lose the contact, its fucked up.

                  I would never accept the fact that she would be out of my life, if she has to leave/quit.

                  Its fucking bullshit, I just wanna die.
                  best advice tbh bro is too tell her this & if she is as nice as you say then she'll keep in touch

                  you may feel like shit & want to die the now but it aint worth it over someone else

                  your lucky you get to say goodbye i'v lost alot of my family & my dad and i would give anything to just say goodbye to him

                  Hope this helps & good luck bruh !
                  R.I.P DAD


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nickiminajsitonmyface View Post
                    If this is indefinite then the only thing you have is time to move on. It's what a lot of people are going to tell you but it's like the people who are really in to the Harry Potter series. Or people who were really in to Pokemon as kids.

                    The key is to find something new, maybe similar to her or different to her. You're going to think about her for a while, like how I still think about Michelle. I don't think she ever even responded to me because she knows my current situation and how it is all bad, but you just have to fill the upcoming void.

                    Whether that be through another girl or something you enjoy. I've been going through depression for over a year now and have learned that, being sad and doing nothing is the absolute worst thing to do. It's like a vicious circle that gets harder and harder to get out of.

                    Don't try and beg her or become desperate for her to stay, this will just push her away. If she has to leave then let her and support her, if you really care for her then you will want what's best for her even if it's leaving you to pursue her own life.

                    I remember an important lesson my English teacher taught my Junior year class, 8th period mind you (last period). I didn't understand the meaning of what he was trying to tell us at the time, but now I understand. He gave us all a short paper on coherence in writing and told us that, after we left HS that if we managed to save that paper and bring it back, he would treat the person who remembered and actually brought the paper to a free lunch.

                    He told us he has done it for years, and that not ONE student has come back and taken him up on the offer.

                    The lesson is obvious to me now, that the students no longer care for the connection they once had and do not want to even bother to re kindle it. Even me, the kid he tried to save from failure and drugs. Hmm, I might go back one day because I honestly still have the paper but idk. I might need security like Drake (lol jk).

                    Be sad for a little bit, that's healthy. But keep it at a month tops, lay down and hate the world. Listen to A Day To Remember, smoke cigarettes, drink and be emo. But plan a cut off date and then focus on self improvement and other girls.

                    Don't say the I just want to die shit. That hurts cuz I know a kid personally from my class (2012) who committed suicide. He hung himself in his bathroom. He was such a cool, chill kid too. Had a lot going for him but got hit with a serious criminal charge and had other problems and decided just to end it.

                    I still remember the vibe the day I walked in to my 2nd period class in my Senior year that day. Girls crying, just terrible. Awful. I want to forget it.

                    Keep your head up.
                    Michelle didn't respond to you ?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by YMCMB357 View Post
                      Michelle didn't respond to you ?
                      There's no reason to check, I might go after her later in my life. But by then she will be a distant memory. She is only in my mind right now because I do not have much, and my last good memories remain in High School.

                      Once I can move out, maybe I'll hit to just to see how it is. I lost my chance, and I need to accept that.
                      המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים


                      • #12
                        The perfect song for you right now is Mariah Carey, akon and weezy 'bye bye'

