So I got drunk last night... And The Game (whenarichniggawantsyou) posted a pic of two girls whispering and laughing in each others ear. So I gave this dude new some bars. Tough. Ass. Bars. Four posts deep my phone dies while in the works of the fifth. Put my phone on the charger. Once it's back on, I go back to finish my flow to post on his Instagram. He DELETED I repeat DELETED his Instagram for almost 2 hours. Finally it shows back up, but only when I went into Safari and looked his profile up. I follow him, and now, somehow, he's deleted or blocked me from seeing his Instagram. I took screenshots of my lil rhymes, not thinking nothing of it. My screen name is [MENTION=57745]biz[/MENTION]zhendricks
i search for his name, and nothing. If anyone can find my flows please post on here because I have a big feeling he's going to use them on a song. Lol remember that I was drinking but this shit was over the top.
i search for his name, and nothing. If anyone can find my flows please post on here because I have a big feeling he's going to use them on a song. Lol remember that I was drinking but this shit was over the top.