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Should college be free?

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  • Should college be free?

    Many people seem to think college should be free, I think not. I feel if you want a free ride than get good grades for a scholarship. Staffs at these colleges have to get paid for their work. Who's gonna pay for the books, chairs, grass getting cut, light bill, water bill, computers, paper, printers etc? imagine how over crowded campus would be! If everyone was worth to get an education and a descent job afterwards than who the fuck gonna flip my burger at burger king? fuck outta here haha just playin' but for real, what's y'all thoughts on this? explain your answer please

  • #2
    I do think that if you want free education then you have to proof you are worthy and get scholarships too tbh...

    In the same time I feel like everyone should get the chance to study...and some uni's and collages are too expensive lol....but I guess thats what loans are for...

    plus dont study 4 years of history (or something irrelevant like that) then wonder why u cant pay ur loans and say that studying was useless lol..
    Originally posted by Shake
    Why so negative all the time???


    • #3
      With a lot of these colleges, people is paying for the name and not the education. I see why rich people choice their kids college study, I wouldn't spend 40k a year for Art degree. So yeah go for something that's a supply and demand like doctors, engineers, business, lawyers.


      • #4
        You can work at Starbucks and get a shitty online education if you want it.
        Official Lil Wayne Rap Genius Thread:


        • #5
          Yes it def should man, such a struggle I'm having to save for college in the fall, get loans, than once I do graduate and get a job pay off these loans. smh that's one thing that should change asap word to rocky
          The borders should be illegal instead of the people, who were here before the bible and all of its sequels


          • #6
            In my country you don't have to pay for college/university in some cases. If you're 18 - 34 years old and you study in college or university you get some sort of allowance. How high that is depends if you live with your parents/on your own, and if you do MBO/HBO or WO (MBO is the lowest level here WO the highest). If you graduate within 10 years, your allowance will turn into a gift and you don't have to pay it back. You can also use the public transport for free, if you don't graduate within 10 years, you have to pay this back also.

            This will change in 2015-2016 (jup, the year when I will start with my study) because some stupid motherfuckers used the allowance to buy alcohol and party a lot, so the allowance will turn into a loan. The loan has a low interest rate, and you have 35 years to pay it back, but it still sucks. They just need to give away scholarships to the people that want to study and put good effort in it. Just like me, I graduated high school with honours, and thanks to those dumbfucks, I have to pay for my study myself.

            And I know that it is even harder in the states, but if it was 'free' all those years, and they change it in the year that you're going to study, that just kinda sucks.


            • #7
              there should be a free class and a paid class.


              • #8
                Originally posted by skinnyminnie! View Post
                With a lot of these colleges, people is paying for the name and not the education. I see why rich people choice their kids college study, I wouldn't spend 40k a year for Art degree. So yeah go for something that's a supply and demand like doctors, engineers, business, lawyers.
                some ppl actually do that?


                • #9
                  No, it shouldn't be free. I like the pell grant system here. To many people abuse it thought. I used a pell grant to go to tech school, after tuition and supplies were paid I was left with about $1,300 for living expenses for the year. I stayed with relatives and paid everything but rent. At the end of the year I had money left over.

                  A few years later my cousin went to the same school, got an even higher amount blew it all within a month, dropped out and then complained about having to pay the money back. I have no sympathy for her dumb ass


                  • #10
                    At my place, for example in Law Uni, who accepts 600 students, 280 of those students who had best result in middle school and best result on Law Uni application test, are accepted to be schooled on school budget. I was around 50th in that list, so my first year was on school budget, I didn't pay anything, except for an apartment, but that's irrelevant.

                    So after 1st year, students who get 48 ESPB points out of 60 (each exam has it's points - from 5 to 10), will be accepted on school budget. Priority is to those students who were on school budget the first year. Right now I already have 50 ESPB points, so I'm already on school budget for 2nd year.

                    And it's like that in all state universities.

                    It's different in private unis, some of them have some kind of school budget system for gifted students, but mostly you have to pay shitload of money, but your diploma is guaranteed, cuz you basically pay them to give them to you..

                    So to answer your question. NO. College shouldn't be free, but there should be some kind of school budget system for gifted or persistent student with poor financial situation, to help them get schooled in Uni for free or at low expense.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DesertRose View Post
                      No, it shouldn't be free. I like the pell grant system here. To many people abuse it thought. I used a pell grant to go to tech school, after tuition and supplies were paid I was left with about $1,300 for living expenses for the year. I stayed with relatives and paid everything but rent. At the end of the year I had money left over.

                      A few years later my cousin went to the same school, got an even higher amount blew it all within a month, dropped out and then complained about having to pay the money back. I have no sympathy for her dumb ass
                      This is really your first post Josh ?


                      • #12
                        In some countries, they pay YOU to go to college... They see education of that much importance,
                        not America though.

                        Also, You will not use a good % of the stuff you learn, your wasting money for classes sometimes.

                        But its the dream tho,
                        Go to school for 12 years

                        Go to college for 4 + years

                        and work till you die
                        or retire

                        Once you get a mortagge, car payments etc, you become a slave to the Govt,

                        The federal reserve isnt backed up, the dollar aint back up, they get our dollar out of thin air, this is a problem, its a system that will never work in the long run, we are paying back the govts debt 24/7 while they create more debt 24/7

