Originally posted by KidComet
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Bro im steady getting a little bit upset at the stuff you write about my religion bro especially since i endure enough hatred in my daily life trying to avoid it here on LWHQ where i come to relax but anyway look the islamic religion is a philosophy that teaches peace and discipline however HUMANS are inperfect and are bound to make mistakes and sin much in the same way as when you christians repent for your sins we muslims do the same thing.
Im forced to argue with numb-skulls almost everyday and its annoying as hoot esp when they blantly attack my beliefs right in front of my face without ang consoderation on how it makes me feel then as soon as a muslim or i react negativity me being a human and all and plus being annoyed and pushed to the limit and cause that reaction im deemed a psycho muslim terroist who needs to get his head checked
but their plain racism isn't something worth getting their head checked for lol.
im white with green eyes and from europe so not many people even recognize i am islamic and they will come up to me and rant about islam right infront of my face with no idea that hey im muslim i dont say anything in order to avoid a confrontation but it sucks and these are like everyday people i meet on the street not friends or whatever ill give an example one time right i was eating lunch with a friend and she needed to go to a shop so i waited at the table and relaxed a bit an old man comes up to me out of everyone their and says this and i quote "TO BE A SECURITY GUARD HERE YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING MUSLIM HEY?" Full yelling and im like wtf i didnt say nothing to avoid a fight as i said so im like "why do you think that" and his like "OH I GUESS BECAUZE THWY KNOW WHERE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO PUT THE BOMBS HAHAHAHAHAHA" then im like "mm" and then he kept ranting very loudly in a public area about mohammed being this and that and their was a islamic family right next to our table eating a meal peacefully and im sitting their listening to this asshole shoot down my beliefs so i said fuck this and got out of their just as many mulsims their are bombing houses and fighting their is a greater number who sit and say nothing but doing nothing makes us weak and you cannot let yourself be thrown under the bus constantly this is why there os a war going on because people are racist and cruel and other people want to respond to this with military action nothing more.
btw so sorry guys for the spelling and grammar errors i was writing this on my dinner table whilst eating break feast and didn't bother to read it over but it says what i want it to say so thats that.