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The meaning of life

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  • #13
    This world is only preparation for the next.


    • #14
      Life aint nothing but a long day.


      • #15
        Bra if you wanna know the truth, join the Medical College.. When you dissect your first Cadaver in Anatomy you'll know for sure but if that's not enough, Fresh dead body Autopsy in Forensic posting will do!!


        • #16
          You signed up in 2012, are you posting now to get access to the Downloads section ?


          • #17
            Originally posted by AishThaks View Post
            Bra if you wanna know the truth, join the Medical College.. When you dissect your first Cadaver in Anatomy you'll know for sure but if that's not enough, Fresh dead body Autopsy in Forensic posting will do!!

            Why pick on somebody helpless
            If you can't paint a picture on your own, you make a stain on sombody else's


            • #18
              Originally posted by KnockMeOut View Post
              Life aint nothing but a long day.


              • #19
                Originally posted by Dylan The Deranged View Post
                What is it?
                Meaning of life is whatever we want it to be, because we are only one capable enough to control our own life and make our own choices..

                Meaning of life overall - there isn't any like LWF said, we are brought here to reproduce and that's it..
                But it shouldn't be looked that way, if you add philosophical thinking to it, you can add whatever meaning you want to your own life..

                You ask yourself, why am I here?
                Try to find an answer to that.. What are your goals in life? You should always have them, those goals are your meaning of your life.


                • #20
                  I think I'm basically agreeing with markomaxx here but,

                  there re is no greater meaning to life. We re born, we live a short while, we die, turn to dust and are forgotten in a few years. Same as the millions who come before and after us, For the most part that's how it should be.

                  a much better question would be what does life mean to you. In my case that would mean being the best wife, mother, friend and person as a whole that I can be. But everyone's answer should be different, because everyone wants different things out of life, and that's the important part, that you live a life that means something to you.


                  • #21
                    Just think, you are a tiny speck of dust in the universe. You are born and you die and the universe continues to contract and expand in a beautiful cycle. The best thing to think of is the overall purpose of humanity and how we evolved. The universe and life are beautiful. Think of how we learned to speak, to evolving to developing economies. We all came from the trees and the animals, which developed from organic matter that came from water, which came from a frozen rock crashing into earth billions of years ago.

                    That shit blows my mind. I don't fear death man. Life is beautiful and the continuation of organic life is beautiful.

                    Ok, I'm a bit lit.
                    Official Lil Wayne Rap Genius Thread:


                    • #22
                      Originally posted by YMCMB357 View Post
                      You signed up in 2012, are you posting now to get access to the Downloads section ?
                      Nah. I lurk here pretty often, I don't post very much though. I like to read.


                      • #23
                        Originally posted by nyberg View Post


                        • #24
                          Originally posted by Bill Laimbeer View Post
                          Just think, you are a tiny speck of dust in the universe. You are born and you die and the universe continues to contract and expand in a beautiful cycle. The best thing to think of is the overall purpose of humanity and how we evolved. The universe and life are beautiful. Think of how we learned to speak, to evolving to developing economies. We all came from the trees and the animals, which developed from organic matter that came from water, which came from a frozen rock crashing into earth billions of years ago.

                          That shit blows my mind. I don't fear death man. Life is beautiful and the continuation of organic life is beautiful.

                          Ok, I'm a bit lit.
                          Do you believe that there's some form of "life" after death? Or reincarnation?

