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Transgender Agenda Exposed

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  • Transgender Agenda Exposed

    So obama just told all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms and showers that are based on their gender idenity
    meaning if a boy woke up one day and decided "i identify as being a girl today" they will have access to the girls bathroom

    its important to not just look at this single event, but look at where this leads and look at the agenda as a whole

    yall see where this country is headed

    Gay Marriage is legal in all 50 states
    Bruce Jenner a MAN wins the women of the year award
    Transgender and Gay propaganda all over the TV and media, 50% of ABC FAMILY shows are LGBT
    8/10 NEtflix original series has LGBT propaganda
    damn near 50% of all TV has gay shit all up in it
    Bruce Jenner is going to pose nude for ESPN cover
    and now boys and girls can use any bathroom / lockeroom/ shower in public schools based off the gender they identify with\

    TL DR


  • #2
    You know someone racist in the 60's or something probably said the same thing about black people. like:

    "Negros agenda exposed

    So they want to fully give negros full legal rights now.

    They want to put negros in our neighborhoods, and in our kids schools and mix our culture with their culture. My kid going to be influenced by a bunch of little niggers, and now they making ugly niggers turn into celebrities and basketball players. ALL because the Big Man wants to ruin this country!

    TL DR, Niggers taking over our life! fight the man!


    Originally posted by Shake
    Why so negative all the time???


    • #3
      Originally posted by KidComet View Post
      So obama just told all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms and showers that are based on their gender idenity
      meaning if a boy woke up one day and decided "i identify as being a girl today" they will have access to the girls bathroom

      its important to not just look at this single event, but look at where this leads and look at the agenda as a whole

      yall see where this country is headed

      Gay Marriage is legal in all 50 states
      Bruce Jenner a MAN wins the women of the year award
      Transgender and Gay propaganda all over the TV and media, 50% of ABC FAMILY shows are LGBT
      8/10 NEtflix original series has LGBT propaganda
      damn near 50% of all TV has gay shit all up in it
      Bruce Jenner is going to pose nude for ESPN cover
      and now boys and girls can use any bathroom / lockeroom/ shower in public schools based off the gender they identify with\

      TL DR



      • #4
        Originally posted by Vocker View Post
        You know someone racist in the 60's or something probably said the same thing about black people. like:

        "Negros agenda exposed

        So they want to fully give negros full legal rights now.

        They want to put negros in our neighborhoods, and in our kids schools and mix our culture with their culture. My kid going to be influenced by a bunch of little niggers, and now they making ugly niggers turn into celebrities and basketball players. ALL because the Big Man wants to ruin this country!

        TL DR, Niggers taking over our life! fight the man!

        Stay AWAKE PEOPLE!"


        Nigga how can you compare the LGBT movement to being black?

        who is out here hanging people for being gay?
        who is out here enslaving people for fucking a man in the ass?
        Who is out here b

        You know what you get when you're gay nowadays? a TV Show , a music deal, a magezine cover
        15 million views on youtube with a 5000 dollar check

        Shit even up until 1973 the American Psychiatric Association listed Homosexuality as a Mental Illness, until it was removed due to protest from LGBT , not due to reevulation of the patients,

        You realize the amount of transgender children, the youngest being 5 years old, have grown 300% in the last year? CHildren all over just waking up and deciding to be the opposite gender and you dont see nothign wrong with that?
        In the schools theyre giving children books and literature about character who are confused about their gender and teaching kids in preschool about homosexuality, this shit is turning to one big ass mess bruh
        Last edited by KidComet; 05-17-2016, 01:48 PM.


        • #5
          Tyga will be happy


          • #6
            Originally posted by KidComet View Post
            Nigga how can you compare the LGBT movement to being black?


            who is out here hanging people for being gay?
            who is out here enslaving people for fucking a man in the ass?
            Who is out here b

            You know what you get when you're gay nowadays? a TV Show , a music deal, a magezine cover
            15 million views on youtube with a 5000 dollar check

            Shit even up until 1973 the American Psychiatric Association listed Homosexuality as a Mental Illness, until it was removed due to protest from LGBT , not due to reevulation of the patients,

            You realize the amount of transgender children, the youngest being 5 years old, have grown 300% in the last year? CHildren all over just waking up and deciding to be the opposite gender and you dont see nothign wrong with that?
            In the schools theyre giving children books and literature about character who are confused about their gender and teaching kids in preschool about homosexuality, this shit is turning to one big ass mess bruh

            Not comparing homosexuality to black people in america. Obviously the black community had to suffer to get their rights

            but what im saying is.

            Someone's God is another man's devil...

            what you may call a hero, may be called a terrorist in other side

            and vice versa

            This is called change, either adapt to it or keep complaining I guess. You hate it and think its wrong, but i'm pretty sure a gay kid loves it and think its true justice.

            Last edited by Vocker; 05-17-2016, 02:02 PM.
            Originally posted by Shake
            Why so negative all the time???


            • #7
              omfg soon they'll be putting chem trails in the sky turning us all gay!!! SAVE YOURSELF BEFORE IT'S TO LATE

              homosexuality has lately been observed in several animals too, ROTCHILD IS MAKING SCIENTICS TURN ANIMALS GAAY! bunker up, soon they'll be in our streets raping our boys!!!!!!!

              ''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''


              • #8
                Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
                omfg soon they'll be putting chem trails in the sky turning us all gay!!! SAVE YOURSELF BEFORE IT'S TO LATE

                homosexuality has lately been observed in several animals too, ROTCHILD IS MAKING SCIENTICS TURN ANIMALS GAAY! bunker up, soon they'll be in our streets raping our boys!!!!!!!

                go look up the halitosis bomb and do your research
                and go do your research on the Scientist named Tyrone Hayes

                Shit, rape, pedophilia, murder , have all been observed in serveral animals too? wtf is your point? How nnasty does homosexuality have to be in order for you to look at an animal and use it as an excuse

                - - - Updated - - -

                Originally posted by Vocker View Post
                Not comparing homosexuality to black people in america. Obviously the black community had to suffer to get their rights

                but what im saying is.

                Someone's God is another man's devil...

                what you may call a hero, may be called a terrorist in other side

                and vice versa

                This is called change, either adapt to it or keep complaining I guess. You hate it and think its wrong, but i'm pretty sure a gay kid loves it and think its true justice.

                So within the span of 1-2 years they have brainwashed most of the country into accepting that genitals dont define your gender and that boy and girls gender roles dont exist , and that is normal for 5 year olds to change their gender

                you're reply is "this is called change, adapt or keep complaining"

                So lets say in 5 years, they legalize pedophilia, will you adapt to it or will you complain?

                What if pedophilia is someones God?

                Go do your research on NAMBLA (North American Boy Men Love Association"
                Last edited by KidComet; 05-17-2016, 04:40 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KidComet View Post
                  go look up the halitosis bomb and do your research
                  and go do your research on the Scientist named Tyrone Hayes

                  Shit, rape, pedophilia, murder , have all been observed in serveral animals too? wtf is your point? How nnasty does homosexuality have to be in order for you to look at an animal and use it as an excuse

                  - - - Updated - - -

                  So within the span of 1-2 years they have brainwashed most of the country into accepting that genitals dont define your gender and that boy and girls gender roles dont exist , and that is normal for 5 year olds to change their gender

                  you're reply is "this is called change, adapt or keep complaining"

                  So lets say in 5 years, they legalize pedophilia, will you adapt to it or will you complain?

                  What if pedophilia is someones God?

                  Go do your research on NAMBLA (North American Boy Men Love Association"
                  Dont compare pedophilia to gay sex, and dont act like kids are ready to turn themselves into transgenders and shit...regardless of it being legal, doesn't mean it is straight up accepted by all and everybody is ready to change their gender because they can.

                  people that wanted to be transgenders were already turning that before it being legal...the difference is that now gays can get married legally and a transgender can enter the bathroom he/she fits lol...I do not even understand the fuss, nothing actually changed at all.
                  Originally posted by Shake
                  Why so negative all the time???


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vocker View Post
                    1. Dont compare pedophilia to gay sex, 2. and dont act like kids are ready to turn themselves into transgenders and shit...regardless of it being legal, doesn't mean it is straight up accepted by all and everybody is ready to change their gender because they can.

                    people that wanted to be transgenders were already turning that before it being legal...the difference is that now gays can get married legally and a transgender can enter the bathroom he/she fits lol...I do not even understand the fuss, nothing actually changed at all.

                    1. First of all im not comparing the two, i was making a point! Like I said, up until 1973 the American Psychiatric Association listed Homosexuality as a Mental illness, in less then 100 years, homosexual marriage is legalized,

                    within the span of 1 year they were able to convince the country that there are no such things as boys and girls and that its okay for young children to change their gender, they are now giving children literature in preschool gender confused characters etc

                    You're response to this is that its "Change, and to adapt or keep complaining"

                    Okay, so where do draw the line?
                    Lets see all the pedophilia propaganda that popped up last year

                    Why did they give Jared Fogle only 15 years for fucking children?

                    Why did which is a site that gets 30 million vistors a month, publish an essay written by a pedophile entitled "Im a pedophile but not a monster"

                    Why did Dr. Drew and Psychiatrist Judy Ho go on air and say pedophilia is a sexual orientation and that pedophiles are not the same a child molesters because pedophiles actually see the child as a loving partner,

                    All these attempts to gain sympathy for pedophiles ?

                    and so much more in the past year

                    so whats the coming up next after this LGBT movement ?

                    Like I said, look past JUST this bathroom law, look at how much LGBT propaganda that has been spread in the past 3 years

                    DO you know 5% of the country is LGBT? a mere 5%, they dont even light up the white house for people who fought in the war in the country, but they light it up with the gay pride colors quick as hell


                    Plus, Its all perversion though, gay sex, sex with a child, incest, bestiality, all of it, is perversion.

                    2. Bruh transgender kids have risen to 300% in the last year teachers have said its almost like a trend,

                    No transgenders were always using the bathroom of thier choice, a nigga like bruce jenner was always using the girls bathroom, those niggas dressed like women and shit always been using the bathroom of their choice

                    what changed now, is that you can use it based on your GENDER IDENTITY , meaning if you IDENTIFIY as a girl/ boy, meaning NO SEX CHANGE, NO TITS, NO WIG, NO NOTHING
                    if you simply THINK, you are a girl, you can use the girls restroom

                    Shit must we be reminded of this book written in 1989 outlining some of the plans for the NWO

                    Last edited by KidComet; 05-17-2016, 05:27 PM.


                    • #11
                      I completely agree with [MENTION=60086]KidComet[/MENTION]

                      To me, it's fine if you wanna be gay, be gay, get your ass fucked I don't care.
                      Problem is that they are making this shit (being gay or being trans) a trend. People think they are gay and wanna change genders because it's POPULAR, it's trending right now and they wanna do it. It's sick and we are becoming a nation of mentally ill people.

                      If you had a 12 yo daughter and there was a 12 yo boy in her school that "changes" his gender to female, so eventually your 12 yo daughter goes to school bathroom and this 12 yo BOY goes into same bathroom as well.. But problem is, this boy is just fucking around, he used changing gender as a way to get into female bathroom and once he's in, he rapes your daughter.

                      Would you still support that shit if that happens? It's sick, and people will abuse it, and that will happen.

                      I can understand that some dudes find other dudes more attractive than females or vice versa. Fine.
                      But they are trying so hard to make it appealing to other people, that it starts a contra effect.

                      5-10 years ago when I was in elementary/middle school, there was not one gay in my whole school.
                      Now when I see kids in elementary/middle school, at least 1/3 of them act gay or are gay.

                      It's all because of media portrayal and massive push of gay/trans propaganda.

                      It makes me sick that people support this shit.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MarkoMaxX View Post
                        I completely agree with @KidComet

                        To me, it's fine if you wanna be gay, be gay, get your ass fucked I don't care.
                        Problem is that they are making this shit (being gay or being trans) a trend. People think they are gay and wanna change genders because it's POPULAR, it's trending right now and they wanna do it. It's sick and we are becoming a nation of mentally ill people.

                        If you had a 12 yo daughter and there was a 12 yo boy in her school that "changes" his gender to female, so eventually your 12 yo daughter goes to school bathroom and this 12 yo BOY goes into same bathroom as well.. But problem is, this boy is just fucking around, he used changing gender as a way to get into female bathroom and once he's in, he rapes your daughter.

                        Would you still support that shit if that happens? It's sick, and people will abuse it, and that will happen.

                        I can understand that some dudes find other dudes more attractive than females or vice versa. Fine.
                        But they are trying so hard to make it appealing to other people, that it starts a contra effect.

                        5-10 years ago when I was in elementary/middle school, there was not one gay in my whole school.
                        Now when I see kids in elementary/middle school, at least 1/3 of them act gay or are gay.

                        It's all because of media portrayal and massive push of gay/trans propaganda.

                        It makes me sick that people support this shit.
                        i feel the same way tbh, especially the school stuff. ive worked at tim hortons (lol) once a week just for gas money the last 7 years, when i started we had all straight workers in highschool, and now the students that work there are honestly all either gay, bi, or transgendered except for 3 of us....

                        i feel they are pushing it way to much in the media too ....kidcomet is right with tv shows, like 90% of them now have some sort of gay couple, which never happened 10 years ago...but then that comes from pressure from studios to probably put them in so that people dont get 'offended' that there are none in the show, because people are sensitive as fuck these days and get offended over goddamn everything

