Man the shit was wack
people hyped this shit up to be the best scary movie seen in 10 years
fuck all that noise
i was expecting to get posessed or some shit
the shit was full of cliche jump scares and cliche bullshit i damn near predicted all the scary parts
i will no longer pay money to see a scary movie at the theatres cause hollywood is being pussy and dont want put some actual scary shit im talking about shit you leave the theatre scarred for life type shit, all we get is some pg bullshit scary
Kid Comet rating 4/10 dont waste your money
people hyped this shit up to be the best scary movie seen in 10 years
fuck all that noise
i was expecting to get posessed or some shit
the shit was full of cliche jump scares and cliche bullshit i damn near predicted all the scary parts
i will no longer pay money to see a scary movie at the theatres cause hollywood is being pussy and dont want put some actual scary shit im talking about shit you leave the theatre scarred for life type shit, all we get is some pg bullshit scary
Kid Comet rating 4/10 dont waste your money