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Yung Zimmie vs Weird Ass Cultist *LONG*

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  • Yung Zimmie vs Weird Ass Cultist *LONG*

    forums been dry as a fckin raisin lately but i got this story of this dude i ran into at work one time

    one day ya boi zimmie was doing his work stacking shelves and shit im stacking a shelf full of pillows and one of them falls and lands right on this creepy ass dude with a long as jacket, i drop down saying sorry and shit but i wasn't that shook cause its just a pillow.

    Anyway, mans looks at me and gives this weird ass grin and his like "nah mate not a problem whats your name" shit getting spooky now, i say *my name* and we talk a bit and i'm getting weird ass vibes from the dude and his teeth all fucked up long ass overcoat and all that anyway we finish the discussion which was just general shit bout fixing his house or whatever and i'm like thats cool fam then he gives me his business card just incase i was interested in "further arrangements".

    2 weeks pass and im booling and the card falls out my wallet and i remembered that dude so i read the card and i see the word "Chief of *title of this organisation*" on that bich and im like ehhh what the hell is this. So i google the title and it comes up with a bunch of weird ass creepy shit i don't know if i wanna drop the title here just in case it links back to this thread cause there isn't much on them online.

    Anyway, i find these weird ass paintings with this demon looking thing with a horse head and its placed in these obscure edgy artworks and there are images of this very lowkey virtual world chat site where these dudes apparently dress avatars in weird costumes and meet up and talk bout shit i donno its very lowkey and creepy images are titled "*name of organisation* meet up".

    so i tell the homies bout it and firstly we call the number on the card and they are super on edge asking "how did you get this number" and all kinds of sus shit so we go for a drive up to dudes address (also on card) And see where this mans living we pull up.

    First thing i notice is there is a fckin huge stack of empty bath tubs next to his house, so we call one last time and finally the dude who gave me the card answers (before it was different people) and he got this creepy ass voice telling us bout this weird ass cult tryna make it sound all relatable it was fckinggggg weird i donno fam it was like he was marketing it to us mind you this is 2AM in a pitch black ass road (cause street lights were out lol) he was mad surprised someone was calling at that hour but was "happy to help" as was his words.


  • #2
    Free Tha carter niggas need tha carter


    • #3
      dont be a pussy friend, drop them links


      • #4
        Originally posted by Lucifer View Post
        dont be a pussy friend, drop them links
        brother i would but he dead ass knows where i work and shit and mans dont wanna get assassinated for exposing some fucked cult lmfao ill drop some of the pictures that i found if the thread gets some attention lol



        • #5
          Stop what you are doing right now and call the cops


          • #6
            was it [MENTION=60086]KidComet[/MENTION] by any chance??


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shake View Post
              Stop what you are doing right now and call the cops

              lmfaooo!! they called the cops on us! thats another part of the story i left out but basically when we were out front of the place at 2AM cops
              showed up and asked us wtf we were up to but we just said we were visiting a friend lol lot of craziness fam



              • #8
                that guy sounds crazy, be careful around him


                • #9
                  Originally posted by back on my bullish*t View Post
                  was it @KidComet by any chance??


                  • #10
                    We Need To Know What Happened


                    • #11
                      omg I would be so scared if that was me in that situation :-o x


