- ​ Better networking
- More physical activity (less traffic, more heart beats)
- More max goods
- Less holding of years of impact full or negativity emotion feeling
- Motion continue living, keep moving, lay round, brush teeth, fade the excess only when accomplishment.
- Structure somewhat, go off track, stay on track allow yourself difference
- Review(grounding every 2, four-6 eight weeks or months)
- Embrace little to big progress, take time for progress don't frustrate if you dont understand it in 24.
- Open your eyes when they hit light, dim the lids when you need
- Try eliminating jealous, envious, nasty dirty non rooted thought in soil. Dont get beyond what you can't handle!, unless you make them handles, then the best piece of hardware wood could Harriet Tubman
Stay safe, be good, if its gonna jump safety
everything in mod-ration real!