Name: Olly
Experience: Enough to make nice signatures,
Link(s) to previous application(s) (leave blank if first time applying):
Software Knowledge (Photoshop, Flash... etc): Sony vegas, cinema4d, Photoshop and a lil bit illustrator ( learnin on it )
Can you work with a team?: Ofcourse i would love t
Any additional comments?
My Work:

ciao fellas <3
Experience: Enough to make nice signatures,
Link(s) to previous application(s) (leave blank if first time applying):
Software Knowledge (Photoshop, Flash... etc): Sony vegas, cinema4d, Photoshop and a lil bit illustrator ( learnin on it )
Can you work with a team?: Ofcourse i would love t
Any additional comments?

My Work:

ciao fellas <3