Name: Chaz Kelley
Experience: Been using PS for a couple years, I had a class in highschool but I was self taught all the things covered in class so I got bumped out. I worked with my HS yearbook and my college web site.
Link(s) to previous application(s) (leave blank if first time applying): N/A
Software Knowledge (Photoshop, Flash... etc): Photoshop/GIMP
Can you work with a team?: Yes, I have in the past.
Any additional comments?: I just recently regained PS back. I have to rebuild my collections back up(brushes, fonts, etc.) I am great at deadlines and getting things done in a timely manner. My main game focuses on signatures as I am just now dipping into the cover making business.
My Work: (best or latest 3)
I delete signatures I make for other pretty quick. I haven't made one for myself in a while. Here are some files I have lying around.
Experience: Been using PS for a couple years, I had a class in highschool but I was self taught all the things covered in class so I got bumped out. I worked with my HS yearbook and my college web site.
Link(s) to previous application(s) (leave blank if first time applying): N/A
Software Knowledge (Photoshop, Flash... etc): Photoshop/GIMP
Can you work with a team?: Yes, I have in the past.
Any additional comments?: I just recently regained PS back. I have to rebuild my collections back up(brushes, fonts, etc.) I am great at deadlines and getting things done in a timely manner. My main game focuses on signatures as I am just now dipping into the cover making business.
My Work: (best or latest 3)
I delete signatures I make for other pretty quick. I haven't made one for myself in a while. Here are some files I have lying around.