This is a thread for discussion and suggestions for the SOTM competition.
Our current rules are below, which anyone can suggest for changes and additions to by posting in this thread.
Our current rules are below, which anyone can suggest for changes and additions to by posting in this thread.
- [*=center]Maximum size is 500 by 250 pixels (please let me know if this is too small for you guys?)
[*=center]Entry deadline is 10 days from now (12th December 2013)
[*=center]PM me your entry, do not post it here. I will up date the list above to show you have submitted
[*=center]!! You MUST post a screenshot along with your PM entry with your work open in PS (preferrably half way through your work so I can see it's definitely your work) !!
[*=center]No biting, using PSDs created by other artists or getting someone to help you, this can only be your work
[*=center]You are allowed to use stock images
[*=center]Failure to enter by the deadline will result in disqualification
[*=center]We will decide the winner by a poll which will be open for 7 days
[*=center]You cannot put your name on the work so voting is fairly decided. If you want to protect your work from being stolen please use other words for the text (you don't have to put text)