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Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

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  • #25
    Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

    Drake is sick. But Wayne is just sayin that so Drake can get some confidence.




    • #26
      Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

      Originally posted by AnDz View Post
      Drake is sick. But Wayne is just sayin that so Drake can get some confidence.


      This ^^
      Drake is magic, but Wayne kills everything


      • #27
        Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

        People judge wayne wrong, waynes losin it, what happend to best rapper alive, hes better with that confidence . im bout to write this nigga sayin, NOBODY Is better then You, NOBODY


        • #28
          Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

          Wayne go for what he think everyone would like but Drake just do him. Drake don't try to come of as a gangster, no tattoos, he barley do drugs, and he don't even dress good but he still get all the girls and radio play, interviews. Hes not flashy. Clean cut, no jewelry. Plus hes light skin.


          • #29
            Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

            This is really the first time we've heard about someone talking to Wayne in prison while he wasn't in good spirits. You can tell he's not feeling great about himself and regretting what he did that got him there which is why he said what he said I'm guessing. I wonder if it's starting to wear on him... Keep your head up Weezy!

            "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


            • #30
              Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

              weezy just pulled a birdman...


              • #31
                Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

                When your are in jail you have alot of time to think and shit, so i mean in his mind Drizzy might be better but we all know Tune is the shit, but right now hes thinking drizzy is out there do what wayne wants to be doing. so yuh, thinking kills ya

                Weezy vs Eminem on the race to 100,000+


                • #32
                  Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

                  So TECHNICALLY wayne just called drake the "Best Rapper Alive"...

                  Wayne being in that cell all day is making him over think things.



                  • #33
                    Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

                    It's really weird to have wayne say this considering how confident he is... hes probably just feeling down cause hes not really putting a lot of music out, and Drake is really big right now, bigger than Wayne atm.

                    "ashdgakg adwudgashdga askjdh how to love" � lil wayne


                    • #34
                      Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

                      Wayne thinking too much.


                      • #35
                        Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

                        All rappers get overshadowed at some point. Besides, no one can say if Wayne really meant what he said, hes the only one or maybe drake because he heard it out of Wayne's own mouth. Drake heard the tone of voice. So stop with the ifs or maybes. That would be pretty messed up to tell someone your close to a lie like that especially someone you signed yourself, especially someone who know that your trying to be the best yourself. Wayne is a smart guy and a business man, he know what moves to make, he knows when he is overdoing it. I'm saying you all get happy when people say stuff like that about Wayne and if someone disagree they get called a hater so maybe you guys is a bunch of haters.
                        Last edited by skinnyminnie!; 06-16-2010, 08:35 PM.


                        • #36
                          Re: Lil Wayne Tells Drake He is Better Than Him

                          Wayne finally knows what he did. His lifestyle he had is now over (no pun intended), and he feels sorry. He just feels trapped, and knowing Drake is getting all of the success with his album releasing, Wayne is missing his music. I really hope Wayne comes out, he quits all the smokin, doesn't get back on lean, and just focuses 110% on being the best rapper alive, again.

