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The Tens: Ten People Who Love/Hate That Lil Wayne Is Out Of Jail
Yeah I know what you're saying but the casual fan now is gonna be hearing all this news about Wayne and kinda forget about Kanye and buying his album and what not. Of course it won't affect the diehards
Re: The Tens: Ten People Who Love/Hate That Lil Wayne Is Out Of Jail
In a sense, the whole Kanye 'hate' is true, even if he or anyone else doesn't want to admit it. Wayne being locked up the last 8 months (whew, feels strange to say that) gave a chance for all these rappers that haven't been in the spotlight that much a chance to shine.
Ye's had his time, and it will continue, but once MBDTF drops, I don't see him staying in the spotlight like he has. That is unless he does something drastic, which really wouldn't surprise me that much.