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i am not a human being went gold

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  • #61
    Re: i am not a human being went gold

    Its blind stannery to assume he should do 1 million on every album JUST because. Wayne himself said he knew alot of people won't like Rebirth but he put it out because he wanted to and he liked it. You think Wayne is making music so he can do 1 million first week everytime?

    Cmon people


    • #62
      Re: i am not a human being went gold

      i dont think it will if it took this long for it to go gold i dont think so sad


      • #63
        Re: i am not a human being went gold

        Wtf some of you people are just retarded, real talk.

        Getting butt hurt because wayne doesn't sell a million first week with albums like rebirth which wasn't like by more then 70% of his fans and INAHB which was just random tracks thrown together meant to be released as a EP. then have the nerve to compare it to sales of major studio albums like MBDTF & recovery smfh. Kanye has been working on tracks for that album for 5 years and has received as much promotion an artist can put out. Wayne sold over a million albums in 8 months... IN JAIL who does-did that? no one alive. If your upset at wayne & his sales and drifting from the "fan" status then peace. No one can fuck with wayne in terms of sales when he release major studio albums like tha carter series.
        Last edited by JrockHQ; 12-01-2010, 05:41 PM.



        • #64
          Re: i am not a human being went gold

          I don't really care about the numbers as long as its a great album. Kanye's album only went gold the first week and in my opinion this was his best album even though Graduation did 900k its first week.


          • #65
            Re: i am not a human being went gold

            this wasnt even a real wayne album

            good numbers though for a "mixtape"


            • #66
              Re: i am not a human being went gold

              Originally posted by JrockHQ View Post
              No one can fuck with wayne in terms of sales when he release major studio albums like tha carter series.
              Em, Jay-Z, Kanye, Tupac, Biggie, Nelly... Would you like me to keep going with this list of people who out-do Wayne in terms of sales almost every album? Get off Wayne's dick for a minute. Wayne should be selling numbers like them if he wants to be considered one of the best to do it, so each album should at least go platinum, if they know it won't then it shouldn't be released (with the exception of Rebirth due to it being experimental).

              And no I do NOT mean a million in first week sales, I mean overall each Lil Wayne album should go platinum.

              When people look back and want to decide who were some of the best rappers ever the main things to go on is critical reception and sales. Wayne said before C3 if he doesn't become the best he'll quit, with C3 he became the best then he's almost lowered himself again. You can all sit and say YOU don't count IANAHB as a "real" album but perhaps you should start counting it as one because it is a real album, it will really sell and it will really be looked at as an album by critics, analysts and music specialists.


              • #67
                Re: i am not a human being went gold

                It won't go platinum, but it fuckin' good it made GOLD imo


                • #68
                  Re: i am not a human being went gold

                  Originally posted by 4747 View Post
                  You can all sit and say YOU don't count IANAHB as a "real" album but perhaps you should start counting it as one because it is a real album, it will really sell and it will really be looked at as an album by critics, analysts and music specialists.
                  dude waynes people chose random ass songs to put on it

                  it aint no real album its not like he recorded those songs specifically for this project

                  do you comprehend ?


                  • #69
                    Re: i am not a human being went gold

                    Originally posted by Mr Xclusive View Post
                    dude waynes people chose random ass songs to put on it

                    it aint no real album its not like he recorded those songs specifically for this project

                    do you comprehend ?
                    I get you but it's classed as an album, whether you wanna accept it as one or not is a different story. It is an album at the end of the day though.


                    • #70
                      Re: i am not a human being went gold

                      in the future people gonna be calling it an album and nobodies gonna care what the details are about whether it was put together or if it was rushed or whatever. It will be one of his studio albums and people will compare it as that.


                      • #71
                        Re: i am not a human being went gold

                        Originally posted by tha_chronic View Post
                        in the future people gonna be calling it an album and nobodies gonna care what the details are about whether it was put together or if it was rushed or whatever. It will be one of his studio albums and people will compare it as that.
                        Thank God you're on the same wave-length as me bro!

                        See that's the problem with this album, it's a blip now, it doesn't help out Wayne's reputation as one of the best with a bad selling album.


                        • #72
                          Re: i am not a human being went gold

                          Originally posted by 4747 View Post
                          Thank God you're on the same wave-length as me bro!

                          See that's the problem with this album, it's a blip now, it doesn't help out Wayne's reputation as one of the best with a bad selling album.
                          Bad selling, lyrically weak...

