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Lil Wayne Talks About His New Sober Outlook On Life
I think he's gonna go back to weed. I mean, come on.
I think that too , but he will probably keep it on the low , like not show it to much on videos and shit ... cuz i know i would do the same the feds will probably still be spying on him and shxt .. but who knows if he stays 3 years sober he might not go back to weed since hes already used to it..
Re: Lil Wayne Talks About His New Sober Outlook On Life
I think he still is smoking. Everyone dont get all mad and offensive but thats my opinion. Of course everyone hes with says hes sober and happy now, but they have to say that including Wayne because his probation. Also my best friends sister met Wayne back in February in MIA when she went on vacation, and she took a pic with him and I saw it just looked like he was cooked. And she said his eyes were pretty red, glossy, and low, and his voice was kind of deep sounding like a high person lol.