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Lil Wayne Talks About His New Sober Outlook On Life
Re: Lil Wayne Talks About His New Sober Outlook On Life
lol @ people wanting him to get back on weed and syrup.
He said it himself, he sees the world differently, and he likes it. Shit, even Nicki said he was a better person off that shit. If he's happy, let him be happy. Don't make him lose a fan over such a stupid decision that has to be met for three years.
Re: Lil Wayne Talks About His New Sober Outlook On Life
I love all the conspiracy theorists who think Wayne is still smoking even though he hasn't failed a drug test and has come up clean every time he's been searched lol
lol @ people wanting him to get back on weed and syrup.
He said it himself, he sees the world differently, and he likes it. Shit, even Nicki said he was a better person off that shit. If he's happy, let him be happy. Don't make him lose a fan over such a stupid decision that has to be met for three years.
I agree with this, his life must been horibble when he was heavy on syrup (06-0 on most of the photos from that time you can see his sadness even when he smiles, and he looks much younger now too, I doubt yall would like if someone in your family got heavy on drugs, so why want Wayne back on drugs? I'd rather have a happy Wayne & good music than a sad Wayne & amazine music.
and yall can still bang his old music, shit its still there, its not gone.
''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''