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Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

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  • #37
    Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

    I'm just wondering why it takes so long to record 7 songs. For example he recorded 'green and yellow' in one night.

    I ain't got Dunston on my shoulder, got Dunston in the backseat


    • #38
      Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

      lets see if mixtape weezy lost it


      • #39
        Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

        Fuck it's gonna be 10 songs, and be released by a week or two!

        I won't be suprized if I saw it on 4th July
        Originally posted by Shake
        Why so negative all the time???


        • #40
          Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

          Lol he said that he's about to make around 9 songs two weeks ago...

          Im pretty sure he progressed in that time lol

 || twitter


          • #41
            Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

            Originally posted by IceMan View Post
            Lol he said that he's about to make around 9 songs two weeks ago...
            Never heared about it.

            I ain't got Dunston on my shoulder, got Dunston in the backseat


            • #42
              Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

              Originally posted by CwayneFtw10 View Post

              ---------- Post added at 06:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 PM ----------

              Hmm, just thought about this, since it's gonna be just like No Ceilings he may have some original songs on there as well. Not including those other 9
              I doubt if any orginals will be on there..this sounds like something Wayne is just throwing together real quick for the fans..i could be wrong though


              • #43
                Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

                Lol Imagine

                Sorry 4 The Wait>>>> Tha Carter IV


                • #44
                  Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

                  Yo im beyond excited!!!! If Weezy is that tuff about it than i know he straight murdered it.. #Sorry4TheWait

                  Appology Accepted my nigga! Im glad to see wayne say its coming cause its been a long wait!
                  Follow Me on Twitter @iAmQueHefner ---- I Follow back!

                  ^^^^^^^This Wayne must come back


                  • #45
                    Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

                    Where'd the original "it's coming in about a week or two" statement come from though?


                    • #46
                      Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

                      8 (wayne only) dope songs and 1 feature track will do me!

                      but knowing wayne he will have done more if hes hungry!


                      • #47
                        Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

                        Originally posted by CwayneFtw10 View Post
                        Where'd the original "it's coming in about a week or two" statement come from though?


                        • #48
                          Re: Lil Wayne Discusses "Sorry 4 The Wait" Mixtape, Likens It To "No Ceilings"

                          Originally posted by marcusgettin View Post
                          Lol Imagine

                          Sorry 4 The Wait>>>> Tha Carter IV
                          And then the world will end, lol

                          Pretty excited about this mixtape, I hope it will bring us a piece of good music. And don't care if there's 7 or 9 or even 4 songs, as someone's said earlier: it's better than nothing.

