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"When and where was this filmed?"
sounds better than(and is easier to write)
"What occasion is this filmed for? Where is this filmed?... Court or what?"
This is a forum, do I really have to explain it word for word before your stupid brain can comprehend it
and a response to "When and where was this filmed?" could be
"This was filmed at his deposition during his Quincy Jones trial"
Simple as that...
But you know what maybe you're right.. Im from Denmark, so my perception of the language might be different
I did not know I had to make it crystal-clear for you by spelling it out ......
Just leave it man, waste of time arguing about this
look dude, i know.. i just wanted to start some drake/ chris brown shit.
to be honest, i thought you were the hottest guy ive ever seen since i saw you.
Judge: How much longer is this line of questioning going to go on?
Douchebag Attorney: Not much longer.
Judge: Okay go ahead-
Wayne: I don't know.
Douchebag: (Laughs) Didn't you win-
Wayne: I don't know.
Douchebag: the award for best rap album of the year-
Wayne: I don't know.
Douchebag: in 2008 for The Carter 3?
Wayne: I don't know.
Judge: Mr. Carter you have to wait until the attorney is finished asking the question please.
Wayne: I'm sorry that's my psychic.