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Charlamagne Gives Lil Wayne & JR Smith "Donkey Of The Day"
Charlaqueen is an idiot. And I listen to his pod cast but that was one of the most idiotic reasons to give "donkey of the day".. Why ? cuz I, like most people thought Lamar had passed when I saw all the social media out pour. Also, what if wayne and JR know something his dumbass doesn't know?
He's a media whore like all media people. Say anything for ratings lol.
What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.
I actually tend to agree with Charlamagne on 99% of topics. I didn't listen to this in full but you really do have to admit it was a little ridiculous that Wayne didn't even delete it after I'm sure he knows Odom is alive.
Y'all can't back Wayne up every single time he does some dumb shit.
When I saw he got Donkey of the day I actually thought it was for the other embarassing shit that happened this week. Haha
In latest news..... Lil Wayne gets donkey of the day! Yup that's news. Thanks for the heartfelt post though
heartfelt? Quote me bitch nigga. Don't talk and hope I see it lol Matter of fact I'm about to listen to charlamagne's pod cast right now. A nigga can have an OPINION.
Lamar Odom has brain damage and organ failure.. last well known celeb to have that passed away shortly after. It's a mistake but not an abnormal one
What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.
Charlaqueen is an idiot. And I listen to his pod cast but that was one of the most idiotic reasons to give "donkey of the day".. Why ? cuz I, like most people thought Lamar had passed when I saw all the social media out pour. Also, what if wayne and JR know something his dumbass doesn't know?
He's a media whore like all media people. Say anything for ratings lol.
There's a difference between Wayne and tyga. Wayne has a catalog, tyga doesn't. Wayne can take as many L's as he wants and it won't change shit
jay z got beat by his sister in law in an elevator. He goes on vacation and memes circle the Internet of him not knowing how to dive, L's that pass right over
drake clapped up a player from a team that was playing the raptors so raptors fans were mad af (blew right over) quentin Miller (blew right over)
If you're a rapper with a catalog you can't take L's
I think I'm the only one that still is like "Woah, wait..... He ain't write his own shit?!"