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Charlamagne Gives Lil Wayne & JR Smith "Donkey Of The Day"
heartfelt? Quote me bitch nigga. Don't talk and hope I see it lol Matter of fact I'm about to listen to charlamagne's pod cast right now. A nigga can have an OPINION.
Lamar Odom has brain damage and organ failure.. last well known celeb to have that passed away shortly after. It's a mistake but not an abnormal one
Bitch. Well He's Alive Texting On His Phone!
So You can Go Suck A Fat Donkey Dick For The Day!!!
So You can Go Suck A Fat Donkey Dick For The Day!!!
You're Quoted Fuck Boy!
- - - Updated - - -
Nigga quoting me as if I wanted Odom dead. A nigga I prayed for
Ya mama shoulda swallowed you b. Stupid bitch
Lmao.. nigga was READY to come tell me Odom made it. As if I'm Doctor Kevorkian . All these stupid ppl on earth man.. No wonder Bush got elected twice.
So Me, Wayne, and JR secretly wanted Odom dead. Brew City and Charlamagne believe so. Yikes...Stay in school kids.
Last edited by ChrisBLawyer; 10-18-2015, 02:22 AM.
What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.
Nigga quoting me as if I wanted Odom dead. A nigga I prayed for
Ya mama shoulda swallowed you b. Stupid bitch
Lmao.. nigga was READY to come tell me Odom made it. As if I'm Doctor Kevorkian . All these stupid ppl on earth man.. No wonder Bush got elected twice.
So Me, Wayne, and JR secretly wanted Odom dead. Brew City and Charlamagne believe so. Yikes...Stay in school kids.
That Whole Post Was A REACH! . . . . . .smh L after L