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Lil Wayne Ordered To Pay $150K In Lawsuit Over Fake Concert Bookings: Report

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  • #13
    Originally posted by DLynn14 View Post
    No, unfortunately it doesn't work like that. Getting reimbursed your legal fees is the exception, not the rule. Only a narrow category of cases outlined by statute entitle the winner to attorneys fees and the rest, you will not get your money back even if you win.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And even if you fall in one of those special categories, it requires a whole other court battle where you have to prove you meet the legal criteria for getting paid your attorneys fees, which is usually a very difficult thing to prove...and then even if you win that, if the other side is broke, which happens alot, you won't be able to recover. So...kind of a hot mess. I imagine this is the calculation that gets made when people ignore lawsuits like this
    damn... it's different in Norway. Another reason why Scandinavia shits on USA.

    ''They say they want the drugs to stop but imma major setback when my album drop''


    • #14
      Originally posted by WeezyFan View Post
      damn... it's different in Norway. Another reason why Scandinavia shits on USA.
      Truth, Scandanavia is freaking awesome in so many ways!!


      • #15
        We Ain�t Paying Nothing


        • #16
          Originally posted by DLynn14 View Post
          Truth, Scandanavia is freaking awesome in so many ways!!
          But also messed up in many ways.
          I have a love hate relationship with scandinavia..

          I hate them thirsty bitches
          Cut them off like circumcision
          -Lil Wayne


          • #17
            This is not good

            - - - Updated - - -

            Originally posted by mania983 View Post
            wtf is going on, it seems like everything is wrong in Wayne's life nowadays
            Lol what does thsi mean? Wayne just won the c5 battle last year and has 100 percent ownership of young money. How is everythinf going wrong? A lot changed in an amazing way.. You must have forgot that thsi man might have never been able to release music ever again and he got out of a really bad situation


            • #18
              Damn Wayne =/


              • #19
                Originally posted by back on my bullish*t View Post
                what concert was this??
                it was one with the migos i think


                • #20
                  He should claim bankruptcy like 50 cent did


                  • #21
                    Originally posted by Waynasite View Post
                    He should claim bankruptcy like 50 cent did
                    Nah he should not do that. He would completely become a meme and lose a lot of respect. Alot of people don’t respect 50 cent like they use too and I don’t think Wayne needs to claim bankruptcy. He’s fine he just needs to get done with all this and get his debts paid


                    • #22
                      So I saw an article that Birdman had a similar thing happen (LFLS) except default judgment was for $1M and his bank account got frozen

                      I feel like this is the real risk of taking this approach for Wayne. It may not be a big deal when its a 5 or 6 figure amount to just pay up. But if you do that enough you become an easy target and next thing you know some smartass is asking for a seven figure award because they know you won't contest it.


                      • #23
                        Wow that's sad


                        • #24
                          I call BS on this!!

