"I prefer them not to be black babe"

Good bye for now Miami.
You were beautiful, inviting and seductive.
You were shallow, you were fake (head to toe) and you were dangerous.
Leaving broke my heart.
Staying broke my heart.
Either way, my 3 year vacation on Wayne’s money is over.
For three years, you didn’t allow me to work so that I could be available to travel or take care of you whenever you wanted. “Keep your phone close and your bag packed.” You never said a word to me about her. Not one single word. You kept seeing me as if nothing changed.
Until the Super Bowl weekend when she found out about me.
So you changed your number and blocked me on social media - but only after reading my messages - like a coward, leaving me without any way to pay my bills or live.
So what is a gifted writer to do?
I give a glimpse into the real world of Lil Wayne, that’s what I do.
It didn’t have to be this way.

**Book coming soon. Target release summer 2020** I had to delete my old account after I started receiving some threats. At that time, I decided it was best to relocate from Miami - away from Wayne and his entourage to a safe location. I will be writing my upcoming book about the last 5 years of my life involved with Wayne and posting updates, but will remain off the grid until published. Please respect that I won’t be responding to questions during the time I’m writing. The book is an intimate, unapologetic, merciless tell all about the secret life and mood swings of a rap legend who turned from Prince Charming savior to a heartless, narcissist asshole with an insatiable need for grandiosity and excessive admiration, an exaggerated belief of self-importance, and an insidious coward who simply stopped taking care of my bills, changed his number, and blocked me on social media rather than tell me that he got engaged while we were working things out the last 6 months.So after he relocated me 1300 miles from Dallas, Texas to Miami Beach exactly 3 years ago to “make all my problems go away,” this is how it ended. From still dating me through January to acting like I never existed in February. Wayne’s problem is that he’ll always be held captive by his insatiable need for attention and admiration. The man who fell in love with me because I was “the only thing real in a (his) world where nothing is real” spiraled out of control after he won the lawsuit and was awarded all that money and released C5.
I never wanted or expected things to be like this. I gave up everything for him.

So you JUST learned to slide into the DM, huh? What exactly do you think you were doing in 2015? And texting me later that very day so you could fly me out to Miami six days later.... And did you forget your lyrics in Instagram model?? Got you “checking your DMs”? Ummm... there are a whole lot of women you’ve DM’d and flown in. Some you liked and some you sent back home. Some weren’t the pics they posted. Maybe you’ve forgotten. Maybe all those women did too. Or maybe you’re full of shzt and tell whatever lie you’re trying to get her to believe. #lateciathomas #lateciat
Oh, and one of your puppets contacts me saying “there’s no going back now”. Unbelievable!! You think I still want you!! No hun. After playing me all the way til the end. Absolutely unbelievable. #BookComingSoon #TargetReleaseSummer2020 But wait... there’s more. So much more to come.
An intimate, explicit, unapologetic look into my 4-1/2 yr relationship with #LilWayne from October 2015-January 2020 Coming Soon!! #Author #BookComingSoon #Book #Hollygrove #Lateciat #LateciaThomas #LilTunechi
@lateciat @lateciathomas Stay “Tuned” #Versace **Sexcapades** **Bedroom Crowd Control** **Target Release Summer 2020**

Remember all the PROMISES you made ME?
Obviously you’ve forgotten.
Or maybe you only promised so you’d get what you wanted at that time; a game.
So if you don’t take promises seriously, why should I?
I gave you 4-1/2 years of my LIFE.
You can’t put a value on that, especially the life of a cancer patient with a shorter life expectancy than that of my peers.
I TRUSTED you [MENTION=108300]Liltunechi[/MENTION]
My downfall. My mistake. (Yes, this was his phone number 3 yrs ago. He changes phone numbers regularly. I think he’s had seven in the 4-1/2 yrs I’ve known him. But those who know him, know this was his number in early 2017. It’s probably verifiable somewhere. The posts & book will display all phone numbers he had from late 2015 to early 2020. Or up until the feds confiscated the phone (or was it #Lateciat @lateciat that confiscated it?)
Memoirs of an intimate relationship from October 2015-January 2020 #LilWayne coming soon.
But wait... there’s more.
So much more to come.
So, so, so much more than you see on the surface.

Why is he asleep in so many pics? Bc my daughter would text, “What are y’all doing?” She loved Wayne to death. He was good to her. I was the #WayneWhisperer”. I could always get him to rest, and since I loved (love) him that’s all I cared about was him taking care of himself. I never tried to get anything else out of any of this or y’all would have seen these pics years ago. Yeah, ask yourself that question. I didn’t want attention, or fame, or likes. I just wanted to be with him. And I was, regularly. And I miss him. So I’m not bitter. I’m angry. But I’m more hurt than anything. He just didn’t have to lie to me or exit the way he did. And he always misses me when he acts impulsively. And this time is no different. But I’m going to keep what’s current offline for now. Show me respect and compassion and I’ll do likewise.

Taken on Jan 1, 2020, before I knew anything and he was still seeing me. Spent three years in Miami where my only job was to make him happy and to drop everything when he called, yet didn’t tell me about her. Didn’t say good bye. Then after two months of silence, started communicating with me again 2-1/2 weeks ago. We all knew he would, because he’s gotten angry with me twice before and never made it 3 months before seeing me again. That’s of course when he started fk’ing her. When he was angry with me one of those times. He didn’t tell me anything other than there was a chick with big boobs, still said he wanted to work it out with me. I trusted him. I mean, why would I have put myself through all this if I didn’t?
So sometimes you can be angry and still love someone. That’s where I’m at. I shared too much of my life and gave up too much for him to not love him. Love doesn’t just disappear. You learn to control the impulses, but you don’t let go of the strong feeling and desire to protect them. Not him. Not me. You can’t take that away.
And before the next 20-something fake body bhih tries to attack me and my appearance, (and I only mean the ones harassing me), let me be clear. I had a partially disabling wreck at 17 that shattered my pelvis, caused sacroiliac and lumbar nerve damage and broke a knee, leaving me in a wheelchair for a while. It changed the whole course of my life at barely 17. I’ve had metastasized papillary thyroid cancer, 2 c-sections and a total of 16 non-elective surgeries between cancer and injury. So sit down. I’m THAT bhih. I don’t have a fake ass. I have a fake knee and I’m older than your momma. I don’t look good for my age. I look good. Period.

***4 yrs ago on 4/11, the anniversary of my dad’s passing, you flew me to MIA for a week
***3 yrs ago on Easter I was with you in the Suite at the SLS in LA for a 9 day retreat and sexcapade, and it turned out to be the most pivotal point of our relationship as you revealed your deepest secrets and vulnerabilities, and I accepted you unconditionally.
***2 years ago I was running to you as you got back in town & text me immediately
***1 year ago I was in your arms in your bed all day, in Heaven on Earth. ***This year, you let the persona of Lil Wayne win over Wayne.
It just wasn’t necessary to hurt me the way you did. It doesn’t even make sense. I would have always loved and accepted you. But drugs, personas, pressure to meet the expectations of the media and your fans won. But please tell me why you shut me out? I had done nothing wrong. You thought I’d still be there when you were ready to see me again. I was always waiting for you when you let pride rule you. You couldn’t believe I left. Not until you reflected on it all... I’ll be back...But things will be different.
Her Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/still_i_rose_kim/

Good bye for now Miami.
You were beautiful, inviting and seductive.
You were shallow, you were fake (head to toe) and you were dangerous.
Leaving broke my heart.
Staying broke my heart.
Either way, my 3 year vacation on Wayne’s money is over.
For three years, you didn’t allow me to work so that I could be available to travel or take care of you whenever you wanted. “Keep your phone close and your bag packed.” You never said a word to me about her. Not one single word. You kept seeing me as if nothing changed.
Until the Super Bowl weekend when she found out about me.
So you changed your number and blocked me on social media - but only after reading my messages - like a coward, leaving me without any way to pay my bills or live.
So what is a gifted writer to do?
I give a glimpse into the real world of Lil Wayne, that’s what I do.
It didn’t have to be this way.

**Book coming soon. Target release summer 2020** I had to delete my old account after I started receiving some threats. At that time, I decided it was best to relocate from Miami - away from Wayne and his entourage to a safe location. I will be writing my upcoming book about the last 5 years of my life involved with Wayne and posting updates, but will remain off the grid until published. Please respect that I won’t be responding to questions during the time I’m writing. The book is an intimate, unapologetic, merciless tell all about the secret life and mood swings of a rap legend who turned from Prince Charming savior to a heartless, narcissist asshole with an insatiable need for grandiosity and excessive admiration, an exaggerated belief of self-importance, and an insidious coward who simply stopped taking care of my bills, changed his number, and blocked me on social media rather than tell me that he got engaged while we were working things out the last 6 months.So after he relocated me 1300 miles from Dallas, Texas to Miami Beach exactly 3 years ago to “make all my problems go away,” this is how it ended. From still dating me through January to acting like I never existed in February. Wayne’s problem is that he’ll always be held captive by his insatiable need for attention and admiration. The man who fell in love with me because I was “the only thing real in a (his) world where nothing is real” spiraled out of control after he won the lawsuit and was awarded all that money and released C5.
I never wanted or expected things to be like this. I gave up everything for him.

So you JUST learned to slide into the DM, huh? What exactly do you think you were doing in 2015? And texting me later that very day so you could fly me out to Miami six days later.... And did you forget your lyrics in Instagram model?? Got you “checking your DMs”? Ummm... there are a whole lot of women you’ve DM’d and flown in. Some you liked and some you sent back home. Some weren’t the pics they posted. Maybe you’ve forgotten. Maybe all those women did too. Or maybe you’re full of shzt and tell whatever lie you’re trying to get her to believe. #lateciathomas #lateciat
Oh, and one of your puppets contacts me saying “there’s no going back now”. Unbelievable!! You think I still want you!! No hun. After playing me all the way til the end. Absolutely unbelievable. #BookComingSoon #TargetReleaseSummer2020 But wait... there’s more. So much more to come.
An intimate, explicit, unapologetic look into my 4-1/2 yr relationship with #LilWayne from October 2015-January 2020 Coming Soon!! #Author #BookComingSoon #Book #Hollygrove #Lateciat #LateciaThomas #LilTunechi
@lateciat @lateciathomas Stay “Tuned” #Versace **Sexcapades** **Bedroom Crowd Control** **Target Release Summer 2020**

Remember all the PROMISES you made ME?
Obviously you’ve forgotten.
Or maybe you only promised so you’d get what you wanted at that time; a game.
So if you don’t take promises seriously, why should I?
I gave you 4-1/2 years of my LIFE.
You can’t put a value on that, especially the life of a cancer patient with a shorter life expectancy than that of my peers.
I TRUSTED you [MENTION=108300]Liltunechi[/MENTION]
My downfall. My mistake. (Yes, this was his phone number 3 yrs ago. He changes phone numbers regularly. I think he’s had seven in the 4-1/2 yrs I’ve known him. But those who know him, know this was his number in early 2017. It’s probably verifiable somewhere. The posts & book will display all phone numbers he had from late 2015 to early 2020. Or up until the feds confiscated the phone (or was it #Lateciat @lateciat that confiscated it?)
Memoirs of an intimate relationship from October 2015-January 2020 #LilWayne coming soon.
But wait... there’s more.
So much more to come.
So, so, so much more than you see on the surface.

Why is he asleep in so many pics? Bc my daughter would text, “What are y’all doing?” She loved Wayne to death. He was good to her. I was the #WayneWhisperer”. I could always get him to rest, and since I loved (love) him that’s all I cared about was him taking care of himself. I never tried to get anything else out of any of this or y’all would have seen these pics years ago. Yeah, ask yourself that question. I didn’t want attention, or fame, or likes. I just wanted to be with him. And I was, regularly. And I miss him. So I’m not bitter. I’m angry. But I’m more hurt than anything. He just didn’t have to lie to me or exit the way he did. And he always misses me when he acts impulsively. And this time is no different. But I’m going to keep what’s current offline for now. Show me respect and compassion and I’ll do likewise.

Taken on Jan 1, 2020, before I knew anything and he was still seeing me. Spent three years in Miami where my only job was to make him happy and to drop everything when he called, yet didn’t tell me about her. Didn’t say good bye. Then after two months of silence, started communicating with me again 2-1/2 weeks ago. We all knew he would, because he’s gotten angry with me twice before and never made it 3 months before seeing me again. That’s of course when he started fk’ing her. When he was angry with me one of those times. He didn’t tell me anything other than there was a chick with big boobs, still said he wanted to work it out with me. I trusted him. I mean, why would I have put myself through all this if I didn’t?
So sometimes you can be angry and still love someone. That’s where I’m at. I shared too much of my life and gave up too much for him to not love him. Love doesn’t just disappear. You learn to control the impulses, but you don’t let go of the strong feeling and desire to protect them. Not him. Not me. You can’t take that away.
And before the next 20-something fake body bhih tries to attack me and my appearance, (and I only mean the ones harassing me), let me be clear. I had a partially disabling wreck at 17 that shattered my pelvis, caused sacroiliac and lumbar nerve damage and broke a knee, leaving me in a wheelchair for a while. It changed the whole course of my life at barely 17. I’ve had metastasized papillary thyroid cancer, 2 c-sections and a total of 16 non-elective surgeries between cancer and injury. So sit down. I’m THAT bhih. I don’t have a fake ass. I have a fake knee and I’m older than your momma. I don’t look good for my age. I look good. Period.

***4 yrs ago on 4/11, the anniversary of my dad’s passing, you flew me to MIA for a week
***3 yrs ago on Easter I was with you in the Suite at the SLS in LA for a 9 day retreat and sexcapade, and it turned out to be the most pivotal point of our relationship as you revealed your deepest secrets and vulnerabilities, and I accepted you unconditionally.
***2 years ago I was running to you as you got back in town & text me immediately
***1 year ago I was in your arms in your bed all day, in Heaven on Earth. ***This year, you let the persona of Lil Wayne win over Wayne.
It just wasn’t necessary to hurt me the way you did. It doesn’t even make sense. I would have always loved and accepted you. But drugs, personas, pressure to meet the expectations of the media and your fans won. But please tell me why you shut me out? I had done nothing wrong. You thought I’d still be there when you were ready to see me again. I was always waiting for you when you let pride rule you. You couldn’t believe I left. Not until you reflected on it all... I’ll be back...But things will be different.
Her Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/still_i_rose_kim/
