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LaTecia Thomas caught Lil Wayne cheating on her with bodybuilder Kimberly Rose
not a lot on music...wayne chooses to kill features or just "remix it" he is insecure and unstable, its mostly egotistical this book, a sad memoir but it seems she did get closer to wayne than most of these bitches do.... so weird, wayne is sick too... he also makes gudda go get big Styrofoam cups for lean when theres only coffee cups
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the whole thing is sad and dirty... don't read it, its really rally badly written.... she's a horrible author but she was fucked over pretty bad by wayne but she doesn't give a shit about his money which is even worse she just loved him and got really mad about what happened...
not a lot on music...wayne chooses to kill features or just "remix it" he is insecure and unstable, its mostly egotistical this book, a sad memoir but it seems she did get closer to wayne than most of these bitches do.... so weird, wayne is sick too... he also makes gudda go get big Styrofoam cups for lean when theres only coffee cups
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the whole thing is sad and dirty... don't read it, its really rally badly written.... she's a horrible author but she was fucked over pretty bad by wayne but she doesn't give a shit about his money which is even worse she just loved him and got really mad about what happened...
how fitting it would be if this happened in 2012-2013 when Wayne only talked about sex and pussy